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If Jesus can turn water into wine, but wine is still mostly made of water, can Jesus apply his powers recursively and create more and more concentrated wine?
  • That's the one, funnily enough in a perverted twist, they tend to see wealth as a sign that God has picked them as favourites (graced them) and they storically gravitated toward seeing poor people as, well, sinners, even thought their principles state that anyone could be graced or not no matter the more evident aspects of life.

  • If Jesus can turn water into wine, but wine is still mostly made of water, can Jesus apply his powers recursively and create more and more concentrated wine?
  • No, not really, it's mostly a matter of power.

    The Church itself is rooted in the idea that there are autorities on matter of faith and they adopted the Platonical Agostinean idea that faith is empowered by reason. Reason being a valid tool means you have experts that reasoned a lot about religion and people that know less and needs to be taught, ultimately by the Pope.

    The "other" side tends to reject authorities, and take the words of the bible as sobjected to personal interpretation or, to an extent, make it into some sort of magical object that the faithfull subjects itself to, without questions. Accepting the contradictions, the illogal parts, are what that kind of faith is about because to question (throught reasoning) God is a Sin.

  • Do you dislike HR in workplaces?
  • They are basically cops. And the analogy holds on many level including that yes, some can genuinely be on your side and try to help you or fix the system from the inside, in a way, but it's pretty much "luck based", you have no foolproof way to tell one from the other.

    The wise strategy is to be your own HR, study the contracts and the laws. If you go in blind trusting HR you can be lucky and have a good happy professiona life or get fucked.

    Knowing also helps dramatically in undestanding where HR can realistically help, where it can harm and where it is going beyond expectations and is on your side.

    Don't expect them to put you above their own survival though...

  • We Finally Know What Creates Static Electricity, After Thousands of Years
  • Maybe I went to bad schools, maybe my country has a dysfunctional education system, but I suspect the matter is widespread because it's way easier to teach factual information rather than dive into the nuances of how confident we are about our explanations.

    Some reductive examples: Pluto is / is not a planet, wings work because the path air takes is longer than on the other side, the cause for this war was xyz, you can't subtract below 0 (that's at a very early age of course), this philosopher thought X.

    Oh I guess a CRUCIAL one is how most teachers are horribly unfit to answer "Why should I care about this?", but that's beside the point, in a way.

  • We Finally Know What Creates Static Electricity, After Thousands of Years
  • You broke nothing, it just annoys me that if you don't hit university they refuse to teach you the unconfortable truth on plenty of things and you come out of school with a biased idea that everything has been explained already (history, math, physics...).

  • Not *wrong* exactly... [Haircut Practice] by Adam Koford for September 23, 2024 - GoComics
  • Apprently many of those were actually trapped inside their houses and just hold on, until they passed out from the gas.

    So they are not hugging because asleep but hugged because knowing they were dying.

    source: some recent documentary about these stuff, but I don't trust myself enough.

  • How do you transition from an armour to another?

    I'm playing Shattered Pixel Dungeon. I used to play it with minimal luck, or skill, and I got back into it. First run in years and I'm deeper than ever before.

    I'm running a Berserker with a +1 Flail and a +7 Scale Armour (+1 coming from the seal). I'm nearing the dwarf king (first time ever) and I got a +1 plate armour and 4 upgrade scrolls.

    What makes more sense, hold onto the scale and pump that further or swap, dumping my 4 upgrades on it bringing it to a comparable power to my scale, banking on better future scaling?

    I also got a +1 glaive. Slow as fuck but hits like a truck. The flail hits similarly (when it does) but it's faster...

    Edit: I got a +9 sad ghost that could really use a better armour as well, he's currently on a +1 mail and it's, well, his glory days are behind him.

    [Request] Automatic backups when PC comes online

    I have a proxmox+Debian+docker server and I'm looking to setup my backups so that they get backed up (DUH) on my Linux PC whenever it comes online on the local network.

    I'm not sure if what's best is backing up locally and having something else handling the copying, how to have those backup run only if they haven't run in a while regardless of the availability of the PC, if it's best to have the PC run the logic or to keep the control over it on the server.

    Mostly I don't want to waste space on my server because it's limited...

    I don't know the what and I don't know the how, currently, any input is appreciated.

    [Beginner] Proxmox & storage configuration


    I've been playing with a Dell mini PC (OptiPlex 7070) that I set up with Proxmox and a single Debian virtual machine that hosts a bunch of containers (mostly an *arr stack).

    All the data resides on the single SSD that came with the machine, but I'm now satisfied with the whole ordeal and would like to migrate my storage from my PC to this solution.

    What's the best approach software side? I have a bunch of HD in of varying size and age (therefore expected reliability) and I'd initially dedicate such storage to data I can 100% afford to lose (basically media).

    I read I should avoid USB (even though my mini PC exposes a USB-C) for reliability, but on the other hand I'm not sure what other options I have that doesn't force me to buy a NAS or properly sized HD to install inside the machine...

    Also, what's a good filesystem for my usecase?

    Thank for any tips.

    POP_OS: Stam VAC Anti-cheat prevents me from playing DOTA2

    I migrated almost everything on Linux and, low and behold, the only game giving me issues is DOTA2.

    I'm using Steam flatpack, it runs, I can play against bots, I can spectate games. The moment i try to play in matchmaking a VAC messadge pops up preventing me from starting a game.

    I tried reinstalling, veryfying the files, installing on a differend hard drive, scanning the disks for errors.

    Nothing worked. Any idea?

    Edit: thanks guys, it was actually Proton!

    Nascondere operazioni carta di credito


    nella quotidiana crociata dedicata a non far sapere a altri quello che nemmeno mio padre sa di me, noto come "ultimo" (per me che ho mollato google e non uso i social) scoglio gli acquisti con la carta di credito. Voi direte, usa i contanti, ma purtroppo odio ancora di più l'evasione fiscale, oltre al fatto che il pagamento digitale mi permette di rivedere le operazioni che faccio a posteriori.

    Avete idee / flussi / app / strumenti perché i dati di tutto quello che compro non vengano utilizzati senza il mio consenso?

    Negli usa hanno Privacy e carte virtuali usa e getta, qui in europa e, più specificatamente, in Italia?

    Satispay per darli a loro e frammentare i dati? Cambiare banca ogni 6 mesi impugnando il GDPR e imponendo l'eliminzione dei tuoi dati? Tal circuito alternativo? Contanti per certe tipologie di acquisti più sensibili (medicine?)?

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    On the Internet, nobody knows you're a human.

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