whoopee!!! Another layout with the great difference of one key. When It gets 1 million of layouts, thumb key will get a podium in ginness world record.😆
I really hate forks in most of cases, because In most of cases it has the same effect as adding variants and more variants of the same keyboard without any further control that the Kotlin format is correct, because perhaps the arrangement of the letters is not correct, and of course a keyboard is not a mp3 player that you can try for a while and if you see that it is not the right one you change, changing keyboards requires a huge effort and affects muscle memory and is not a game. I used messagease for more than a decade and I didn't change it for anything. When I discovered thumb-key, what attracted me the most, besides of course being opensource, was that the developer commented that his new distribution was better than Messagease's, but from what I've seen, the only keyboard he maintains is the English version of Thumb-Key. key all the other versions are custom versions from someone who thought that this was the correct distribution for that other language without having provided any argument. Nor has that distribution been approved by the developer beyond that person having uploaded the kotlin file In correct format, there may already be a carrot in the letter "a" that the keyboard will be published as x language keyboard. And when someone else arrives and wants to put a tomato on the "i", there will be a keyboard that draws tomato emojis on the letter "i". Of course I understand the position of the developer who considers that in-app modification is not feasible for him, he is the owner of his time and he did a lot by contributing a keyboard like this to the community. But I also think that allowing every person who wants to make a new keyboard to change a key to do so is not the solution at all. and maybe control at least the variants of his own layout because when you open the keyboard you think or I at least thought that the layouts of his keyboard were his, not someone who decided to make the language variant on his own with or without any criteria. For example, I have seen that in French there are two thumb keys, which one starts with the keyboard? which is better? Are any of them supported by the developer or were they created by someone who put the letters by eye without really knowing what they were doing? I believe that this system only creates confusion and fills the list with often absurd layouts. But of course this is just my opinion.