I am 66 years old, lost 52 pounds 2 years ago and I have kept if off through healthy eating, exercise ( Rucking and Weight-Lifting ) and a good mental attitude. I did this just prior to retirement but I think anyone at any age can follow my approach and be successful. I feel better than I have in 30 years and each day I get up and sometimes have to push myself to Ruck or to Weight Lift because I know how good I will feel after I am done or how bad I will feel if I don't work out. I remember being 268 pounds 2 years ago and how bad I felt. I couldn't walk up my stairs without breathing heavily. Now I walk these same stairs with a 35 pound weight vest 10 times for a total of 130 steps and though tiring afterwards when I take off the vest I feel like I can fly. I created a website in the hope of helping and motivating others - You can see my story at - https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html - Using the menu selections and the links visitors can view "Healthy Eating" posts, "Rucking" posts, "Weight-Lifting" posts and posts related to how I am thriving in retirement. I hope this information helps you, motivates you and you find the content interesting and funny. You can also email me at dourick@hotmail.com if you have any questions. I had double pneumonia 10 years ago and it wiped me out so take your time and get healthy first before you start working out again. I push myself at 66 so once your healthy again you will get motivated again at 50 to get back into shape. I wish you luck on your journey. Please keep me updated on your progress
I do the following each night about 2 to 3 hours before I go to bed. I have half a banana with 2 Kiwi's, a handful of walnuts, 2 magnesium pills and a cup of Peppermint tea - Between my working out ( Ruck 3 days a week and Lift 3 or 4 days a week ) along with this bed time preparation I usually sleep very well. If you are interested in my story detailing how I lost 50 pounds and have kept it off for 2 years please go to - https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html - Using the menu selections and the links you can navigate to “Healthy Eating” posts, “Exercise” posts and “Retirement” related posts that detail how I thrive in retirement - I hope you find this information helpful, interesting and funny.
Through exercise and healthy eating I lost 50 pounds 2 years ago and I have kept it off. I Ruck ( Walking with a weighted vest ) 3 days a week and I lift weights 3 or 4 days a week and at 66 years of age I feel fantastic. If you are interested in my story go to - https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html - Using the menu selections and the links you can navigate to “Healthy Eating” posts, “Exercise” posts and “Retirement” related posts that detail how I thrive in retirement - I hope you find this information helpful, interesting and funny.
I love the entire Thanksgiving meal ( Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Corn etc. ) however I am looking forward to Blueberry pie and Custard pie. I don't consume much sugar or carbs over the past 2 years which helped me to lose and keep off 50 pounds so I look forward to the holidays to have a few cheat days. If you are interested in my story go to - https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html - Using the menu selections and the links you can navigate to "Healthy Eating" posts, "Exercise" posts and "Retirement" related posts that detail how I thrive in retirement - I hope you find this information helpful, interesting and funny. Add comments and bookmark the website as I often add new content - Tell others about my website as hopefully it can help people.
Eliminate as much as possible consuming sugar and processed food. I did this 2 years ago, lost 50 pounds and I have maintained it since that time. I feel great now every day and can't believe I actually carried around 268 pounds for a while. If you are interested in my story go to - https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html - Using the menu selections and the links you can navigate to "Healthy Eating" posts, "Exercise" posts and "Retirement" related posts that detail how I thrive in retirement - I hope you find this information helpful, interesting and funny. Bookmark my website as I often add new content - Tell others about my website as hopefully it can help people.
I add celery, tomatoes, cucumbers and sometimes pico degallo which gives it a good taste - You could also add broccoli and/or green onions
I am rucking 4 days a week and lifting 3 days a week and feeling real good. I have kept off 50 pounds I lost 2 years ago but I have some lower belly fat that I am trying to get rid of but it is stubborn. If interested you can view my story at - https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html - Using the menu selections and the links you can also navigate to Healthy Eating posts, Exercise posts and Retirement related posts. I hope you find this information helpful, interesting and funny.
I was lifting using almost no rest between lifts - After every workout I felt good but exhausted and I wasn't making any strength gains then I spoke with a trainer who suggested at least 60 seconds between lifts. After doing this I experienced strength increases then when I moved to 90 seconds between lifts I once again experienced strength increases. I thought with no rest I would develop muscle quickly like I did 30 years ago but that wasn't the case at all.
I was doing this because I lost 50 pounds 2 years ago and through healthy eating, weight lifting, rucking and a good mental attitude I have been able to keep this weight off. I feel better than I have in years and I am much happier with rucking 4 days and week and lifting 3 days a week and enjoying the first 6 months of retirement. If interested you can see my story at - https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html - Using the menu selections and the links you can also view Exercise posts, Health Eating posts and Retirement related posts. - I hope you find this information helpful, interesting and funny.
I lost 50 pounds and I have kept it off for 2 years through healthy eating, weight lifting, rucking and a good mental attitude. If interested you can review my story at - https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html - Using the menu selections and the links you can also navigate to my Exercise, Healthy Eating and Thriving in Retirement posts. - I hope you find it helpful, interesting and funny.