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American Airlines Flight Attendants Just Won Boarding Pay
  • A step in the right direction, but not nearly good enough. They should be paid for all the time they are required to follow instructions by their employer - basically from the second they leave the locker room in their uniform, right until they dress back into their private clothes after finishing work.

    That's how it worked when I was working in automotive industry way back when (the clock in/clock out terminal was right next to the locker room door), and that's how it should work for flight attendants, pilots and everyone else too. Everything else is labor theft IMHO.

  • [Discussion] What is your phone wallpaper?
  • I made a live wallpaper using an Android app called Magic Fluids ( that is fully black, but creates a flame effect every time I tap the screen or slide my finger across it. Yeah, edgy and tacky AF, but it really is a pretty cool effect and I've been using it for years, so whatever.

  • Mozilla launches privacy friendly AI addon called "Orbit"
  • Amen to that. I'm not a busy CEO of four companies, I don't need or want an assistant, digital or otherwise. I want to read through articles and watch videos, I can scroll/fast-forward through myself if I feel like it. And while we're at it, I don't really need or want personalized anything - just give me ALL the search results and I'll sort through them myself. Luddite? Maybe, but I literally cannot think of a case where this would be useful or helpful to me...

  • Florida Gov DeSantis bans sex ed classes from mentioning anatomy and contraceptives
  • So he basically banned education and sex from sex ed classes, got it. Next step - banning Arabic (gasp!) numerals from math classes and prohibition of mentioning any other countries apart from USA and Israel during geography lessons?

  • Weekly Warframe: Kullervo
  • I main Nourish Kullervo and love him - it's not min-maxed, but he doesn't need to be, since I basically one hit everything in the game :)

  • Two tiny cacti that I ordered online and got today

    The one on the left, with beautiful curved spines, is Gymnocalycium saglionis, and the other one, with white hair around spines is Pyrrhocactus floccosus, a pretty rare one (at least in Japan). Hope they like their new home!

    [!Sabozoom1.jpg]( [!Sabozoom2.jpg](

    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • A big reason I replaced my old S10+ with a battery that wouldn't even hold half a day with Xperia 1 VI is that it has both the headphone jack AND an SD card slot. Might be the only flagship left that has both...

  • Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • That one is Mammillaria hathiana, also known as Old lady cactus :)

  • A pretty little Ortegocactus macdougallii that just got delivered, since they were way overpriced at the cactus event last week, so I got it online on the train back home :)
  • It does, doesn't it? Too bad it's just going to look like two cacti next to each other after planting, but oh well...

  • [Playstation Lifestyle] PS5 Pro Rumors Swell as PlayStation Announces Technical Presentation
  • Wonder what the excuse for not hitting 60FPS in all or even most) games will be this time... I mean, I still play a lot and I do like my PS5, but it's way beyond ridiculous at this point.

  • I feel like I am getting WEAKER the further I go; how do I actually get stronger?
  • My suggestion would be to watch a new account/F2P playthrough on YouTube and learn from that - I know Brozime did one fairly recently. Iflynn had a pretty great beginner guide too, but it's slightly older, 2022 I think?

    The answer is basically mods though - you need to learn how to mod both frames and weapons, and it can take a while (and can seem super complicated and daunting at first). The free to play playthroughs are a great starting point, since they show it step by step, without spending real money or platinum.

  • Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes? And could it be?
  • They used to have invite threads on Reddit - that's how I got mine when the API changes were announced. I think it was in Reddit alternatives subreddit? Not sure, haven't been back since. If there's still a thread (and if the subreddit even exists still), asking there might work.

  • Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • Thanks! And yeah, we sure do - hope this one stays healthy, being different species and all - fingers crossed!

  • Free Kuva Liches
  • I don't need any, but just wanted to say it's an amazing idea - thank you for being so generous and helpful! The ephemeras can be an insane grind!

  • Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes? And could it be?
  • I don't know (or, frankly, care much) about the "why", and I like Lemmy the way it is, but if your looking for deeper discussion and longer posts I do recommend Tildes, if you can get an invite: It's not open to the public, so the post volume is quite low, but most responses are well thought out, longer and often thought-provoking. I don't post much there, but enjoy reading it a lot.

  • Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • That one is a Whitesloanea crassa - kinda similar to pseudolithos that I love very much, but completely suck at growing, so they get deformed or just straight die on me more often than I'd like to admit... :(

  • Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • It's a tephrocactus - most of them look pretty crazy and I love them for it :)

  • Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • It was sold as Aeonium dordantale, but it might be aureum too, as Plum mentions!

  • Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • The "spiky" one on the left is Euphorbia susannae, next to it is Crassula argyrophylla, and the one that looks like a little rose is Aeonium dordantale if I remember correctly.

  • Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)

    cross-posted from:

    > They were all so purdy that I couldn't help myself. Surprisingly affordable too, even the bigger ones, which is always nice.

    Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)

    They were all so purdy that I couldn't help myself. Surprisingly affordable too, even the bigger ones, which is always nice.

    Twitter getting worse, weird political shit. What's the best Mastodon server and Android app?
  • Server doesn't really matter much (to me), but I'm on because I'm mentally a child and like the funny name :)

    App-wise, I really enjoy Moshidon, been using the nightly version for a while now:

  • Update on one of the grafted bois

    I posted about my grafted bois before here (I wish there was a way to share instance-agnostic links, maybe some day...), but I have an update - one of them decided recently that having another cactus forcibly implanted on top of it is not nearly enough, and he started sprouting all over the place! What a little overachiever, eh?

    Haven't posted in a while, so here are a couple of random unedited and edited photos of my cacti, since I'm trying to teach myself how to properly use my new phone camera

    The first pic is unedited, and here's the version I played with a bit, what do you think, is it too much?


    Here's a few more, should be clear by looking at them, but unedited version first, edited one after:


    [!Cacti-Unedited-2.jpg]( [!Cacti-Edited-2.jpg](


    [!Cacti-Unedited-3.jpg]( [!Cacti-Edited-3.jpg](


    [!Cacti-Unedited-4.jpg]( [!Cacti-Edited-4.jpg](

    I think I might have gone overboard with the Aztekiums (first pic), but other ones look kinda nice to me. Still a lot to learn though, one day I might be able to show how pretty these are in real life!

    Not sure if anyone still here, but I just got two really beautiful Alocasias and I want to brag a bit ;)

    The one with dark, shiny leaves is Alocasia Cuprea, and the one with pretty stems is Alocasia Zebrina. I do hope they like their new home - had a bit of mixed luck with Alocasias in the past...



    More of my cacti started blooming!

    New flowers keep opening almost every hour - glad at least these bois seem to be loving the scorching Tokyo weather, because I sure as hell am not :)

    Aaaaaanyway, here's more:




    Some of my Gymnocalycium cacti started blooming

    cross-posted from:

    > This pic is of a big boy that looks a bit like a lophophora underneath the flower, and here's one of an amazing grafted ball of fun I got last year (rootstock is slightly sun bleached, but quite healthy otherwise): > > [!Gymno-Bloom2.jpg]( > > Looking forward to more and bigger flowers soon!

    Edit: one of my gymno triplets also started to bloom some time between 3 hours ago and now! I was hoping all flowers would open up together, but it's still pretty :)


    Some of my Gymnocalycium cacti started blooming

    This pic is of a big boy that looks a bit like a lophophora underneath the flower, and here's one of an amazing grafted ball of fun I got last year (rootstock is slightly sun bleached, but quite healthy otherwise):


    Looking forward to more and bigger flowers soon!

    Edit: one of my gymno triplets also started to bloom some time between 3 hours ago and now! I was hoping all flowers would open up together, but it's still pretty :)


    Progress report: grafted bois growing big and strong!

    cross-posted from:

    > These were the first cacti my wife and I grafted ourselves at a workshop last year in August. Both took, and are growing FAST - love how healthy they are! > > For reference, here's a pic from last year (doggo for scale). Unbelievable how much bigger they are in less than a year! > [!Grafted-Smol-Bois.jpg](

    Progress report: grafted bois growing big and strong!

    These were the first cacti my wife and I grafted ourselves at a workshop last year in August. Both took, and are growing FAST - love how healthy they are!

    For reference, here's a pic from last year (doggo for scale). Unbelievable how much bigger they are in less than a year! [!Grafted-Smol-Bois.jpg](

    I've been asked to share my messy and disorganized collection, so here it is - feel free to point and laugh ;)

    When the weather allows it, I keep most of my plants outside, so the main picture is a view that shows my balcony from the far end, just to better display the extent of my wife's and mine craziness.

    Here are some closeups of different racks and sections - I will properly organize it one day, I'm almost certain of it ;) You can click the embeds for full-res photos.









    I also have a rack in the living room, next to the TV, with some lamps: [!Hot-Mess-10.jpg](

    That's about it for now, at least until the weekend - might notice some more cute succ-ers when I go grocery shopping or whatever, and as you can clearly see impulse control is not my forte :P

    Went to Tokyo Cactus and Succulent Grand Bazaar today and didn't come home empty handed ;)

    It was very hot, very crowded and yet still worth it - finally got not just one, but both known species of Aztekium without going bankrupt - I wanted one for a long while, but they tend to be stupid expensive in Japan.

    Love the two cute jellybeans too - Conophytum burgeri. Hell, love all of them, that's why I bought too many yet again :)

    Here are a few closeup shots: [!Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar2.jpg](



    Went to Tokyo Cactus and Succulent Grand Bazaar today and didn't come home empty handed ;)

    It was very hot, very crowded and yet still worth it - finally got not just one, but both known species of Aztekium without going bankrupt - I wanted one for a long while, but they tend to be stupid expensive in Japan.

    Love the two cute jellybeans too - Conophytum burgeri. Hell, love all of them, that's why I bought too many yet again :)

    Here are a few closeup shots: [!Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar2.jpg](



    Today's haul from one of the biggest cactus farms in Japan

    cross-posted from:

    > First bigger shopping trip this season, and I bought way too many again. > > I'm kinda tired now, so just a quick brag before I properly id them :) > > Here's some more shots: > [!New-Cacti-May2024-2.jpg]( > > [!New-Cacti-May2024-3.jpg](

    Today's haul from one of the biggest cactus farms in Japan

    First bigger shopping trip this season, and I bought way too many again.

    I'm kinda tired now, so just a quick brag before I properly id them :)

    Here's some more shots: [!New-Cacti-May2024-2.jpg](


    Did darkly-pureblack theme suddenly become way less black, or am I going crazy?

    It used to look, well, black, but now I'm seeing this, which is a bit hard to read... Did the theme change recently? I'd love to goback to my white-on-black look if possible...

    New succulents - May 2024

    cross-posted from:

    > Today's haul from a small succulent show in Tokyo. From the left, Adromischus marianiae var. herrei, a hybrid Orthonna (cremnophila X herrei), Myrtillocactus geometrizans also known as "Boobie cactus" (no, really!) and a pwetty wittle Pseudolithos cubiformis. > > Love every single of'em already! > > Here's another angle: >

    New succulents - May 2024

    Today's haul from a small succulent show in Tokyo. From the left, Adromischus marianiae var. herrei, a hybrid Orthonna (cremnophila X herrei), Myrtillocactus geometrizans also known as "Boobie cactus" (no, really!) and a pwetty wittle Pseudolithos cubiformis.

    Love every single of'em already!

    Here's another angle:

    doctortofu doctortofu
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