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Rant about "having ADHD is not an excuse for everything"
  • Exactly. No idea why people have downvoted you.

    Our happiness relies on being able to accept the limitations we have. If others can’t accept them that’s on them. And honestly it’s not that big a deal. I am successful and have been in the same profession for over 20 years. Everyone I work with knows about it and works with me. I also work around their limitations. That’s just part of being on a team.

  • Rant about "having ADHD is not an excuse for everything"
  • I think this may be a misunderstanding of what they are saying.

    If you think I’ve forgotten a task you asked me to do, then I probably have. Say something. Don’t sit there stewing like I forgot it on purpose.

    It’s not about them constantly checking up and reminding, it’s about reacting with anger to something we have no control over.

  • Rant about "having ADHD is not an excuse for everything"
  • There’s also a big difference between “I’ll never be on time” and “there will be times I’m late because I have adhd”. But seriously if someone can’t handle my adhd symptoms I don’t expect them to, but they should also not expect me to care that they can’t deal with them. Because I don’t.

  • Rant about "having ADHD is not an excuse for everything"
  • I do the opposite and tell everyone. I am who I am and they can accept me or not, no skin off my back. But when I eventually forget something, I’d rather them already know it’s not personal or because I don’t care, in fact it’s not about them at all. It’s because my brain just sabatoges me sometimes.

  • Rant about "having ADHD is not an excuse for everything"
  • I feel ya man and to be honest I understand what you are getting at more than I understand what others are trying to say, so I just wanted to point that out.

    If we let others know of our limitations and they expect us to magically overcome those limitations that’s on them.

    Example: I forget things ALL the time. I can’t control what I forget. I try to ensure that I do things to help me remember. But I will forget things. If I’ve explained that to someone and they still get angry with me over forgetting something, that’s their problem. My forgetfulness is far more stressful to me than it is to them and I’m not taking on any extra guilt for their unreasonable expectations of me. I’ll apologize and move on.

  • Democratic National Convention Megathread! Final Day! 8/22
  • Look, I was skeptical too, especially when she ran in 2020, but look into her actual record. Or at least watch DL Hugelys speech from last night if not. There is a lot of misinformation about what she actually has done in her career.

    Additionally, it’s important to recognize that there are people who are approaching our border seeking anmnesty because they fear for their lives and at the same time people who are trafficking our fellow humans and leaving them in trucks to die.

    The bipartisan deal was supported by everyone because there is a legitimate crisis. The crisis is not the people seeking amnesty, as Trump would have you believe, but people trying to take advantage of the fact that we are so busy screening legitimate asylum seekers that we cannot catch the bad actors.

    That’s why it’s important to have the option to close the border before our border agents are at a level that they can no longer effectively do their job because there are whole semi trucks worth of people who have died being trafficked across the border.

    Additionally, that’s is just one piece of the border bill, which also includes things like more jobs for people so that more asylum seekers can be processed, better use of technology to detect people trying to traffic others across the border at non official ports and actual things that WILL improve the situation we have unlike that stupid wall.

    This bill has the potential to save the lives of migrants. Trump killed it for political reasons.

  • Democratic National Convention Megathread! Final Day! 8/22
  • I watched the entire DNC, all 4 nights. I didn’t explicitly mean to, but it was so engrossing and informative. The old guard has finally passed the torch and there were so many killer moments that my enthusiasm has surpassed even Obama 08 levels. I am signing up to do some phone banking at least. I’ve not done it before but the website said they will train us so I’m stepping out of my comfort zone. I’m in a red state but nothing is impossible unless we just don’t try.

  • Trump keeps watching shooting clip: ‘May legit have PTSD’
  • Ain’t no way. They are putting this in the media because no one cares about someone shooting at him and they are desperate to explain why he’s only don’t small indoor rally’s now. They don’t want people to notice he has no supporters anymore.

  • # Why, as a Republican mayor, I support Kamala Harris over Trump Why, as a Republican mayor, I support Kamala Harris over Trump

    Arizona Republicans like me can emulate Sen. John McCain's motto of 'Country First' and beat back Trump and his threat to democracy.

    Why, as a Republican mayor, I support Kamala Harris over Trump
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