I'm not the OP, but I couldn't leave y'all hanging with no moss.
Heavy Metal (1981) is often compared to Fantastic Planet. There's no son, but lots of the other things you listed match.
Or maybe Heavy Metal 2000 (2000) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_Metal_2000
Fair comment. I used gaffer tape a lot at the beginning of my journey because it was convenient and available, but everything I built fell apart eventually, so I started using cloth duct tape. I recently discovered aluminium duct tape which is genuinely amazing. It's like regular cloth duct tape, but it can be shaped really precisely, and it holds it's shape even if everything else falls apart around it.
Duct tape and cardboard solutions to questions like "How do I get these two pieces of photography equipment to work together?"
You have peanut butter named Jif? That's weird, where I come from Jif is an abrasive cleaner.
...Is your peanut butter gritty?
It would have had a better chance of making the coalition if they didn't keep leaving it off the map.
Have you heard the one about the cannibal who passed his ex in the jungle?
Dolphin paintings are for sale here:
Wikipedia says that they "lack short wavelength sensitive visual pigments in their cone cells", so they don't see blue as well as we do... Which isn't surprising really.
They could stack rocks to create a mosaic.
Or maybe just an om. Unless you fill it with cheese and pineapple, then it's an om-nom-nom.
Groke - An old Scots word that refers to someone who stares at you while you eat, in the hope that you’ll share your meal with them.
I've discovered that I'm good at herding flies.
I start by turning off lights sources including the TV, and closing all the doors and curtains except for one open window which is now the brightest, and therefore most attractive destination for the fly.
Then I just stand so that the fly is between me and the window. I wave my arms out sideways, kind of like semaphore, and it discourages the fly from flying towards my body and my hands, and can only avoid me by flying in the direction of the window.
It doesn't work at night since turning the lights off means I can't see the fly, and with the light on, it just flies to the light, lol.
They also don't like wind, so if there is a breeze outside, I make a stronger breeze inside by swinging a towel like a helicopter blade, and it makes the entire room very undesirable for the fly.
When I was a kid I would just wait until the fly was bouncing itself against the window, and just catch it in my hand, then throw it out and open window.
It also helps if you keep your house free of stale or rotting food smells.
This skill has dramatically reduced the number of flies I've killed by swatting.
<Insert clip of the time Crusty the Clown replaced Itchy and Scratchy with an alternative cartoon>
I like how the Arabic word for ape is the same word that they use for monkey, but the artist cleverly drew one with a tail, and one without.
It's interesting that all the jewelry on that page are all abstract designs, just circles or wavy lines.
Someone somewhere came up with the idea of painting a motorcycle tank using lots of layers of different coloured paint, then scraping the each layer off to reveal a shape in the colour of the next layer. When they were finished, it was a geometric shape, or a logo, or maybe even a portrait.
I tried searching for something similar, but google isn't very helpful these days.
Just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947.
Thank you for sharing.