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3M knew firefighting foams were toxic for decades, documents reveal | NationofChange
  • Mmmh, name a better duo, humankind and toxic useful substances.

  • RedNote Scrambles to Hire English-Speaking Content Moderators
  • Its a shitshow but one has to admire how fast that went.

  • Afd Werbung auf "Boost für Lemmy" 🤮
  • Bin mir sicher Boost nutzt einfach einen Service wie Google AdSense oder wie das heißt. Man kriegt dann Werbung von Google serviert, die Afd hat wahrscheinlich einfach über Google gebucht und dann sieht man das eben in allen apps die das nutzen.

  • Stop mulling, get Fennec | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
  • They have an f-droid repository, so if you already have f-droid but not Obtainium you can download via that.

  • Sweden announces strict new citizenship policy - including proving you demonstrate 'honest living'
  • They are definitely right on the language skills, people keep praising the English proficiency of Swedes but English is not the language politics are discussed, it is not the language of the country.

    There are also still many occasions where English translations are not readily available or lacking detail, and before anyone calls me out on this, it is better than the average in any other country, but it is a notable difference still.

    If you know you live here only a few years, you are probably fine without learning Swedish in a meaningful manner, but if you are planning to become a citizen it is not unreasonable a requirement.

    The values parts, concerns me a little but if it only covers the stuff mentioned in the article... OK.

    8 instead of 5 years is definitely not a good development though.

  • New study on 80k people: those who commute to work by bike have longer and healthier lives
  • That is probably excluding the possibility to get run over by a random car.

    Sorry, just almost happened to me this morning and I'm still a bit rattled.

  • UK ‘one of world’s least work-oriented countries’ claims BrewDog founder - as he slams obsession with 'work-life balance'
  • Not defending the guy, he seems an ass but he is also seemingly not that involved with the company anymore.

    Watt stepped down from BrewDog's daily operations last year after 17 years but retains his ownership stake and holds the title of “captain and co-founder” in a non-executive role.

    The company apologised and promised to learn from the situation, though they later faced backlash for reversing a pledge to pay real living wages.

    So maybe rather lookup what he currently does and boycott that if you can.

  • An unusual job posting
  • Sounds like the basis of a very healthy marriage!

  • Norwich restaurant charges £100 for a pineapple pizza
  • Ah, slow news day, I get it.

  • Das Passwort zum Zugang zur elektronischen Patientenakte ist im Klartext auf der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte aufgedruckt
  • Aus den Kommentaren des Posts, keine Ahnung wem zu glauben ist weil ich nicht in Deutschland wohne und keine Gesundheitskarte habe:

  • Better Organized Europe
  • What link. Are you just baiting to post Link from Zelda? Not with me you don't, doing it myself!

  • Biden's new country-tier-based restrictions on Nvidia chip exports.
  • Are those chips actually made in US? Or just designed?

  • Sweden neither at war nor at peace, says PM, as warships sent to Baltic Sea
  • Tell my underwater cable... Hello.

  • Anon is a gamer
  • Stress it.

  • Insane Richard
  • This is just a modern day "the importance of being earnest".

  • "Würden Seele der CDU verkaufen": Merz würde lieber zurücktreten, als mit der AfD zu koalieren
  • Argh, also gibts doch einen Grund Afd zu wählen. Merz, warum hast du das so laut gesagt?

  • Meta beendet laut Medien auch internes Diversitätsprogramm
  • Gibts ja alles ist aber nicht populär weils nicht genauso schön glänzt.

  • folder syncronization
  • Couldn't resist.

  • ddash ddash
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