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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago

  • I for one do not blame China in the least for using this language. The US is so volatile, who can say what they're going to do from one day to the next? It's a fair warning to the US admin to chill the fuck out.

  • Same. But as someone who has always been enthusiastic about Space Exploration, seeing humanities frontier efforts led by a literal nazi is now devastating and embarrassing. European leaders need to rethink their academic and business policies so they can nurture a SpaceX without the evil. At the rate the US are going, I'm even cheering on China's efforts 😬

  • "Know what I'm getting" means; I feel like as long as I didn't bring up political topics and were generally a well behaved tourist I'd be safe. Have been to China twice and it was a positive, friendly experience.

    I admit ignorance having never been to the US but the impression I get as a Brit is that it's an incredibly volatile place where not knowing the right street protocol or exactly how to posture and behave in front of police means you could just be wiped out in an instant for some arbitrary shit like looking at someone. Very unsafe if you haven't grown up there & learned the street smarts.

    For example, reaching for your pocket or car glovebox when pulled over by police in UK is a very normal thing to do, to get your license to show them, but seen as an act of aggression in the US.

    I'd visit given a chance but would definitely be on edge, in a way I wasn't in China.

  • No, not at all. Given the choice of a Chinese or American future, looking at the current state of affairs, I'd go China. Americans have completely lost the plot. I'm not only considering the administration, but the nutters who demand the right to bear arms resulting in their kids getting shot in schools, the plastic consumerism, lack of healthcare, homelessness. They're a sick society full of religious fanatics and racists. China isn't perfect but they're level headed and pragmatic. Fusion power, space race, they're catching up. They function, to improve the living standards of their people.