CyberEgg @ CyberEgg Posts 62Comments 1,828Joined 2 yr. ago
Wir haben die Antwort schon und sie lautet Nein.
Politico, das internationale Axel-Springer-Blatt, soll für Geld positiv über Demokraten berichtet haben? Ich glaube auch...
Jo, aber auch nicht solche Wortspiele.
Ne, aber man kann sich ja zur Wahl stellen lassen mit „Wenn ich gewählt werde, ist die Absprache mit meiner Partei dass sie mich in in den Haushaltsausschuss entsenden“ oder so.
Cleverer als die meisten Wahlplakate.
(Ich brauch das Bild viel zu oft)
Und falls jemand Bock hat, kann man vielleicht auch ein kleines Community-Treffen draus machen.
Why are there so many twos though?
But this is not helping to stop oil, this is helping those who try to stop people from stopping oil.
I always thought the song was the opposite. It says „We didn't start it it was always like this“ and continues to listen events during their lifetime that were not already always in motion.
I always interpreted the song as saying „This is how it's always been and we can't change it is a lazy excuse for not trying to change anything.“
Regarding your statement about morals, as I've stated before, the hyperbole would be meaningless if the creator (of the hyperbole) wouldn't find any truth or parallel in it.
There is truth and parallel in it. I don't make a difference between exploiting or killing humans and exploiting or killing animals (in fact, humans are animals, but that is another topic). So don't do it (unless your life depends on it, but that is a rare circumstance and for exploitation there's no excuse).
If this was not the intention behind your words, then I will gladly stand corrected.
The intention of my words was to express that bottom left guy is a misrepresentation of vegans in general because he depicts militant vegans who are a minority. Very few vegans would say you have to starve if your only way to survive was eating animals. And the top left guy is a misrepresentation because eggs (or any other animal parts) are not or should not be staple food.
To bring real life examples:
There are many pharmaceuticals that contain animal ingredients. But since that is necessary for living a healthy life vegans generally don't ask anybody to not take them if they need to (except for a very few who are sometimes very loud).
On the other hand, animal agriculture is heavily subsidized in the EU and most vegans (at least that I know of) strongly oppose these subsidies and advocate to shift subsidies towards more sustainable forms of agriculture.
We are neither okay with incentives to eat animal products (incentives as in subsidies to make animals very cheap, cheaper than they are) nor do we want people to starve or not get the medication they need.
In most cultures killing people is significantly worse than killing animals, so this comparison doesn't really make sense.
It makes sense from a vegan's perspective because the whole reason we're vegan is that in our opinion, animals do have (morally) or should have (legally) the same rights to live and not be abused and exploited as humans do.
And again, the point of my comment is not criticizing your point but criticizing the way you try to bring it across by misrepresenting a few hardcore militant vegans as being the norm. Most vegans meanwhile applaud people who want to cut their consumption of animal products and offer them help.
Ironic, isn't it? 😂
(And thank you)
This comment section is the opposite. I started nice and explaining things and people got all pissed. And you're proving my point by further misrepresenting what happens.
Also your comment score immediatly got two negatives... I guess the peeps are super railed up against you, which is sad.
I'm vegan, I'm used to it.
even though I am more like a flexitarian than a vegetarian, allthough I really try to shift my died toward it.
I mean at least you put in effort, that's more than most people can say.
Putting shit together and reading stuff as a whole is not your strength, is it buddy? If I said „2+2=5 is wrong“ you'd be pissed off about „2+2=5“ and just ignore the „is wrong“ part.
Are eggs meat?" - Yes, that's what I'm saying, I'm not sure how it can be understood any other way.
Then you're just plain wrong. Is a woman's unfertilized egg a baby?
Though, how can calling somebody a murderous cultist not be considered the least bit demeaning, whereas saying their family should starve is? As per "You wouldn’t say „... I do respect your religious tradition of human sacrifice“" having similar aggressive or demeaning meaning as "I don’t care if your family starves".
You're twisting my words like they're players in a game with colored dots on a map.
I even stated that the sacrifice thing was a damn hyperbole. If you comment is demeaning or aggressive, you didn't read the whole fucking thing.
And maybe this post was just a hyperbole and caricature of hyper militant vegans?
And my comment critizises this post for displaying hyper militant vegans as the norm. But everyone apparently just wants to get all railed up and shit.
No, that is not at all everything that bottom left guy says.
I don't want to have the same discussion twice simultaneously, so:
Are eggs meat? And don't you think that part „I don't care if your family starves“ might be fucking important context?
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