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2 yr. ago
  • I've been on Mac for around 10 years and the price of the hardware was a huge motivator. The 13" Framework came out and I jumped on that modular bandwagon. I do still use my Mac as a video ripping station but otherwise I earn all my money as a dev on Fedora 40 and have a secondary tablet with NixOS on it, because the draw of an easily reproducible system is strong.

    Now Apple just continues to do stupid shit and I just want to own my computer without them looking over my shoulder and charging me a huge price to do it.

    I do need to upgrade the Framework (started with the cheap i5 chip) to the fastest AMD variant available so that streaming works better without the fan spinning up, or just build a desktop for streaming and video work.

  • Bicycles

    First ride on Zipp 303 s

    Lovely first ride on the Zipp 303 s wheels I got this week. They roll fast and don’t feel harsh.


    NixOS package returning 404 from github

    I'm trying to build my first nix package out of the Kana project. My `default.nix' file is below.

    When I try to build the application nix tries to fetch which gives a 404. How do I get nix to download the release .tar.gz file to build the application?

    { lib
    , buildGoModule
    , fetchFromGitHub
    , makeWrapper
    , go
    buildGoModule rec {
      pname = "kana-cli";
      version = "0.10.1";
      src = fetchFromGitHub {
        owner = "ChrisWiegman";
        repo = "kana-cli";
        rev = "v${version}";
        hash = "";
      vendorSha256 = null;
      # This is required for wrapProgram.
      allowGoReference = true;
      nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
      postFixup = ''
        wrapProgram $out/bin/kana-cli --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ go ]}
      meta = with lib; {
        homepage = "";
        description = "WordPress Stuff";
        license = licenses.gpl3;

    Self Hosted Research Storage

    I'm happy with Obsidian for taking my notes but I want to find something I can host myself to track web articles, pdfs, mp3 files that I reference as research. I suppose I'm looking for a replacement for DEVONthink or Zotero.

    I have a Synology to run stuff on so solutions that run there are a preference, though not required.

  • CTRL - P to get to all the available commands in Obsidian.

  • Given the open format of Obsidian I'm not really that concerned about the fact that it's not open source. It's just markdown files I can do whatever I want with in the future.