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6 yr. ago
@andrewrgross You could probably get away with a small battery or solar chipper for just leaves. If your mower mulches, or has a bagger, you can mow over the leaves and (with a bagger) collect the chopped up leaves. I have an electric leaf blower I use for just this purpose - it also has a vacuum and will mulch leaves into a bag. They end up very finely chopped! I have seen some people put leaves in a trash can and put a weed eater in it for a while. 😂
- Check if any neighbors want them.
- If you compost, you have your carbon for the bin.
- Mulch garden beds and walkways.
- Rake into a pile around trees (but not touching the trunk - leave the collar exposed).
- If you have a chipper, you could run them through and use for finer mulch or soil amendment.
Maybe next year she can leave them on the ground for insect habitat - feed the birds in the spring. Use mulching mower in the spring after the hatch.