2 yr. ago
I probably still wouldnt support banning any specific social media, or social media from a specific country. What needs to happen is some fucking regulation for algorithms, moderation, hate speech and misinformation. And then you can ban any social media that doesnt comply
But free will cannot exist with an omniscient god, because if he knows everything, then everything is predetermined, giving us no free will and also making god evil for allowing all the suffering to happen. And if free will does exist god isnt omniscient
Million moneys
Coffe/dark academia aesthetic inspired colorscheme
- Distro: arch
- Wm: sway
- Terminal: alacritty
- Bar: waybar
- Launcher: rofi
- Prompt: starship
- Shell: zsh
- File Manager: ranger
Dots: here :)
I use Nerd fonts, they contain a bunch of icons
Damn, i forgot the file manager. Its ranger.
another nord rice
- Distro: arch
- Wm: sway
- Terminal: alacritty
- Bar: waybar
- Launcher: rofi
- Prompt: starship
- Shell: zsh
Dots: here :)