GN spends the first segment of their GN News to responding to Linus's comments, and reveals that Linus mislead people on the Billet compensation. 16 75
45 minutes of Steve talking isn't an easily digestible package, sorry.
GN spends the first segment of their GN News to responding to Linus's comments, and reveals that Linus mislead people on the Billet compensation. 68 0
Or.... just don't give a fuck and reply with "Bought it before the shennanigans, bro. Not gonna toss it."
Firefox Finally Outperforming Google Chrome In SunSpider 7 0
I use Edge for work, and it feels way snappier than Chrome has felt in years. Chrome has easily gotten so bloated and slow and most people just don't notice it.
Firefox still feels quicker than Edge, which is nice.
When you're worth $239 billions but you choose the local crack head to make your new signage 14 0
I... don't think that's how it works...
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