Creating Music with ProTracker? ==========
Anyone able to point me to some good resources on creating music with ProTracker? I haven't really found much as far as not having any prior music knowledge, and using that particular Amiga program.
@punkisundead absolutely opposed to it. From my experiences in the local activist scene which tends to emphasize left unity, it's especially shitty as an anarchist to be talked down because of my issues with tons of hierarchy and abuse in those orgs because "we've gotta have left unity". The only solution I can think of is to split off and commit to anarchist principles, knowing that it will alienate many.
One of my favorite parts of Lemmy is that you can reply to posts (and even post directly to communities) from other ActivityPub services such as Mastodon. That's what I'm doing right now, actually! :p
@DichotoDeezNutz I don't see why not
[Now Released] Here have a little preview of The Sun Gem
an upcoming choose your own adventure game I'm working on for the #Commodore64 as part of a game jam
Some things I learned when making this:
- It's better to make smaller games, as my last game was a more complex one that I couldn't finish
- Developing for a retro computer is easier when you don't use a game engine (luckily I don't really like working with game engines anyways)
Edit: I released the game! Check it out here!
\#GameDev #RetroGames #Commodore
@CorneliusTalmadge I like that idea.
@YellowtoOrange @ickplant inserts Rick and Morty copypasta
I made a horrible mistake with my first game
So for context: I'm a programmer and I like the idea of not using a game engine, but I have no real prior experience with game development specifically.
I thought it was a good idea to make a text adventure game (think Zork) in C, since the language offers great portability, including the ability to run code on the 6502. Also a text adventure game made sense because I can't make art and idk anyone else who wanted to work on a game with me.
This was a terrible idea for a few reasons:
- A text adventure game is impossible to make with a small scope
- My from-scratch engine wasn't really designed with modifying the game data mid-development in mind
- I have no clue what I'm doing.
I just don't know what to do now. Any ideas? @gamedev
Odysee kinda sucks ngl. All my fav creators left because of the community there being so toxic.
Things seem to be better here anyways. Being able to interact with people across different platforms (I'm replying to your comment through Mastodon because it works and it's cool 😎) really does make it feel like "the world of tomorrow" to me
I would recommend just grabbing the APK from GitHub directly, and verifying with the Sha256 hash.
Honestly, the devs should just add it to F-droid or make their own repo for it.
Waiting for @futurama to return 🥺
Season 6 Episode 3 Attack of the Killer App is Still Amazing! ----------
This episode aged soo well! Especially all the commentary about Apple, privacy, and internet culture. It's surprising how well all the jokes aged in spite of all the changes to technology and society since the episode released.
\## I love having an entire live TV channel dedicated to re-runs of old Star Trek episodes
Ok so, I have a little Kodi setup which includes a live tv system hooked up to Pluto so I can grab a bunch of channels for free. Turns out, this includes not one, but \two\ whole channels of just Star Trek!
The first one is mostly TNG and the original series, and the other one ("creatively" called More Star Trek) has mainly Voyager and Deep Space Nine. I like these because I don't even have to think about what episode to watch, and can just enjoy some Star Trek!
The only downside to this is well, ads lol
I'm ch0ccyra1n, thanks for stopping by!
Nerdy jewish individualist anarchist trans catgirl
Former technomancer and writer for @uo\_studentinsurgent