capem @ capem Posts 0Comments 122Joined 11 mo. ago
Lol. First rule about the undernet: anyone with a female handle is actually a male.
It's actually a pretty good tactic to throw off investigators.
It's all the propagandists with their anti-Trump rhetoric.
I won't be voting for Biden this year, that's for sure.
To be fair, even if you're not going for a prostitute, men are still paying for sex in the end.
Buying dinner, gifts, paying for events, etc. All of that is what makes men more attractive in the eyes of females.
South Park did a good episode on it.
Edit: Seems like a lot of people have a problem with hard truths here, and that's understandable.
But really, no need for the personal insults.
The world would be a better place if Zionists left Israel.
There's plenty of room for them over in the US.
And they wonder why Hamas resorts to terrorism...
Terrorism just means you're fighting the West without spending a lot of money.
Israel is only a detriment to the US.
Supporting Israel the main reason for the 9/11 attacks, which cost the US trillions of dollars.
Fight back by any means necessary.
IDF is killing more civilians and children than Russia 😬
You clearly don't know what the word 'genocide' means.
What does the contract say?
Yeah... sure...
Have you ever considered that people pretty much only share/upvote footage of Ukrainians getting kills on /r/combatfootage?
Anything positive about Russia is a lie.
Anything negative about Ukraine is a lie.
I'm not sure where you got that from, but I do not agree with it.
You're only here because people have been immortalizing themselves through genes for generations.
If you're not strong enough to continue on that trend, then you don't get to continue past this point.
Other people will, though, and influence the world accordingly.