capem @ capem Posts 0Comments 122Joined 11 mo. ago
How is this news?
It's just people speculating.
Zionists need to pay for this.
They can't keep getting away with it.
We're just going to have to disagree on this.
and there’s a PPA with the updated packages
I don't see how they can send soldiers off to die at this point when they know they're going to lose.
I don't see how the soldiers can go off and die. Like, imagine dying in the last battle before your side surrenders. Ya'll could've just surrendered a bit earlier and those people would still be alive 🤣
Not voting for Joe, that's for sure.
I'd like to see a Wikipedia page of whistleblowers who die shortly after blowing the whistle.
as does Frrontier and Spirit
No way, the cheaper airlines use better planes?
Starting to think the hard-on for Boeing was just part of a trade battle, like most "buy american" shit.
You are not allowed to protest genocide.
The zionists have spoken, and they have a disproportionate amount of influence on the western world.
P.S. Nice picture. I'm looking to play that game soon after having so much fun with Policenauts.
To be fair, Zelensky is doing a similar thing with them right now.
To be fair, Israel is killing way more civilians than Russia is.
The US is also backing Israel, which it is not doing for Russia.
Nobody that respects women talks like that.
Wrong, but ok.
let’s just say that I have no doubt that you’re telling the truth when you say that women won’t sleep with you organically.
I never said that. You must not be able to comprehend English like the other guy who claimed I said it was "required."
I specifically said: "Buying dinner, gifts, paying for events, etc. All of that is what makes men more attractive in the eyes of females" which is true.
You're arguing against what I'm not saying and getting mad at me for it, lol.
You might want to self-reflect on the way you feel about women and consider why so many people here aren’t seeing things the way you do.
Well: you and the other guy are showing me you can't read well, the snowball effect is very prevalent on these forums, and many of you people just ignore facts you don't like or pretend they don't make sense.
Are you familiar with argumentum ad populum? You should come across it when you go to college.
It's reality for all of us.
People here like to ignore hard truths, though.
It doesn't "require" it.
All of that is what makes men more attractive in the eyes of females.
Brush up on your reading comprehension.
Can you point out what I said that wasn’t true?
Nothing that I said was sexist.
Can you point out what I said that wasn't true?