Same here, I’ve recently been experimenting with 2.5mg edibles. Still a decent amount of anxiety but somewhat tolerable. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to enjoy weed again
I always wanted an MFLB. Those were dope. I haven’t thought about the MFLB in a decade, thank you
This is just some rank and file employee that’s just trying to get that sweet patent bonus money.
Seems like we’re not reading the same thread
No one wants this bot. In the last thread asking for feedback there was an overwhelming majority that did not want it. You’re attached to it because you made it. People don’t want it. It happens. Stop it.
I’m running the same setup down to the dangling LAN cable. How do you deal with sd card deaths? Just a fact of life?
Orgain vegan is my preferred protein. I like the simple one that is much harder to find
Damn I should have known when you shared this meme format that’s usually conservatives attempting to dunk on liberal tweets
Now that I’m zooming in and looking at some of the details, is this whole picture AI? Usually they’re pretty bad at text but the artifacts are just so bad, like the street lamp behind the bus.
Not the case but Raisi was considered to be the favorite along with the supreme leaders son in a close second
Fuck the Islamic Republic terrorists #WomenLifeFreedom
The author left out that they would need a majority in both chambers to pull this off
Mr. Johnson also could demand that Republicans in Congress vote as a bloc on Jan. 6, 2025, against certifying election results. But he would need 20 percent of both chambers to agree to object, and then a majority of both chambers to vote to sustain the objection.
It took me a second to get because I’m slow but this is clever af
One pro is that it’s mechanically much simpler and due to that, cheaper.