But do you have any irons in the fire?
Quit the game before I said goodbye to the deer (who is the first person if I remember correctly) because that game is too damn sad. Like it's great, well written and I love the art style, but fuck man I'm playing games to have fun and that was not doing it for me. One of those games I'll recommend but probably never finish.
I don't know if this really fits for this community, but my friend group has been way into Mahjong recently. I decided to learn the basics on a whim and recently got a physical set of tiles even though I doubted anyone would really want to play. Well I decided to bring it to a newyears party to have just in case. We started about 1am, I passed out around 6am and when I woke up people were STILL (not went to bed and came back) playing at noon. They can be kinda picky about board games, but I guess it was close enough to something like poker for them to get hooked.
To be fair yes, monthly premiums for the plans I was referencing were between 1.7k and 2.3k, with them tending to be right above 1.8, so that definitely is a factor here
Everything you're explaining about the deductible, premiums and out-of-pocket maximum is correct, the only thing I'll say is the numbers you're quoting seem pretty high. I work for a company that explains benefits to employees for different US companies, and the majority of plans have an OOP max of around 8k (for families ie employee, spouse and at lease 1 child) with everything being lower for less people. Most plans we work with have a family deductible of around 4k with everything being covered after 8k. Could be explained by working for a shittier company, or living in a higher cost of living area, just wanted to throw in my 2 cents that what you're describing is definitely on the costlier end of the spectrum.
Whats crazy is Miside (Which I just bought because it's apparently actually a good game) is like $12. That means you get all that futa femboy pounding for the low price of about 10 bucks
People are downvoting, but I respect it. Civil disobedience is always an option, like you say, you just gotta be willing to go to jail for your beliefs.
It's worth noting as well, you don't even need to agree with the reviewer, you just need to get to know their tastes. If they always negatively review games you like, then a negative review from them is basically an endorsememt.
I mean, the military service is mandatory right? Yeah you get paid, but you don't really have the option to not do it...
Apparently he wrote another shota paper in June of this year XD
Impossibly Cute Boys The Healing Power of Shota Comics in Japan
Saying something that could be construed as positive towards windows on lemmy???
I like your comment and I want to posit this.
If you want to swear then swear. Cool, I agree with this as it's following a simple 'Do what you want' kinda thing.
If you don't want to swear, don't swear. Again sweet, do what you want.
But what if I want to swear, but I want to censor the swear word, even superficially (replace a vowel with something else, leaving the swear entirely readable where everyone can easily tell what swear is being used)? This is where I'm seeing a ton of people suddenly not as okay with people doing what they want, and that's what I was trying to get at with this comment chain. Why are people so upset at people censoring themselves in this way?
And I'm not even suggesting that I do this all the time, just in some cases where I specifically want to swear, but softer. Like when I'm trying to make it abundantly clear that I'm not swearing at someone, I'm just swearing in general.
I really hope this doesn't come across as confrontational and I appreciate that you took the time to reply. This just really feels like something that harms no one but for some reason makes a lot of people mad.
I just feel like people can choose for themselves. As another commenter said it takes a lot of the 'oomph' out of the swear which I believe does have a time and place. But many people seem to be over the top ofended if you choose to do so.
I'm certainly not suggesting that 'everyone needs to censor their swears, think of the women and children!' But lemmy seems to get more angry than I would consider reasonable if someone does censor themselves.
Best anti-censor swears argument I keep seeing is that people are doing it to be more advertiser friendly which is making the internet worse overall, and I whole heartedly agree with that, but sometimes with no other motive than I would prefer it, I like to say fxck instead of fuck.
We've gone all the way around so now censoring a swear makes people more upset than actually saying it and I really don't understand why.
Year 2000
Say 'fuck'
People get irrationally mad
Year 2024
Say 'fxck'
People get irrationally mad
What happened?