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Wild they said racism was fake and we are all playing the victim card
  • Honest question: How am I apologizing for racists?

    All I said it it seemed to me like dumb teens being dumb.

  • The earring conspiracy theory
  • The grind and paywall to a lot of things suck.

    BUT the player base is really cool as long as you avoid the PVP areas.

  • The earring conspiracy theory
  • Got it. Thanks.

    I'm going back outside now.

  • The earring conspiracy theory
  • Now I have even more questions. Lol

  • Wild they said racism was fake and we are all playing the victim card

    Some community members on social media said the students depicted are football players for Tishomingo High School and that the photo was taken as part of spirit week for the school. On Monday, students were encouraged to wear a black shirt to receive a random Scrabble tile to attach to themselves.

    So the school gave teenagers individual letters to wear, not thinking that they would spell out offensive words? Sounds like dumb kids being dumb kids.

    I'll bet $100 right now that they also spelled every curse word under the sun as well.

  • Birds & Bees by PBF
  • Do they live near Salad Fingers?

  • The earring conspiracy theory
  • I'm sorry.... what?

  • Free WiFi.
  • Check email for verification link.

  • Catching you up with the party of family values
  • Hopefully amphetamines.

  • NSFW
    Even I found this to be in bad taste
  • Ass to ass.

  • It never ends with this game. It’s just like an infinite turd coming out of my ass.

  • Oh no, not again
  • The Artax seen was sad, sure.

    The Rockbiter mourning the death of his friends and waiting for his? That's the scene that made me ugly cry as a kid.

  • Lemmy in a nutshell
  • Linux corrupted. Windows update failed and crashed. GRUB has a fatal error.

    My computer is dead.

  • Who Stops a "Bad Guy With a Gun"?
  • How many people does the attacker need to kill? Ideally, none. If an attacker is attempting to kill someone and that person is killed instead of the potential victim, good.

    If I'm out and someone tries to attack me, I'm pulling out my pistol and ending it right there. I'm not trying to be a "good guy with a gun," I'm just carrying to protect myself.

    and zero people die Are you dense? Murder will still happen because people have been killing people before guns. You're also gonna take guns away from law-abiding people like me who love going out on the weekends to shoot with their buddies or hunt and leave nothing but criminals with guns? Dumb.

  • Very based
  • If it was smaller and not in the model of his chest, yeah.

  • xkcd #2979: Sky Alarm
  • Have none of you see the movie Meteor or the horror series Local 58?


  • I'm deleting the "piped" link.

    Eat me rule.

    at_an_angle at_an_angle
    Posts 3
    Comments 448