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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 days ago

  • a drive connected to my docker box, and if I need it I SCP it to or from that server

    if you find time, can you please explain what this means and how do you do this? i am thinking it is something like an external hard drive connected to internet in some way (but i cannot imagine how :( ), and sorry i have no idea what scp is >00< thank you

  • I am so sick of feeling alike a sales target, and a tool that can be influenced

    yes i had the same feelings, like i do not want to be manipulated and influenced, cutting google out will help a lot in that aspect.

    dont be hard on yourself for listening to music, and using iphone for maps and travel, i think these are beneficial services for you that provide you value, so i feel it is ok to use them >00<.

    i feel like it is not like we have privacy or we do not have it, it is not 0 or 1, there is a whole range of shades of privacy, and all of us can find a sweet spot. wish you the best in your journey <3

  • thank you <3

    i know but i think apple is the lesser evil since they do not make advertisement their primary business but i dont know. overall i find apple hits a sweet spot for me >00< but maybe someday in the future i will again go back to lineage

  • <3 wow it is a big coincidence! i wish your lemmy client app becomes very famous :D is it an ios app? do you want to share the link if it is available for everyone to download?

    agreed on cheap MS products. i feel the same too.

  • i am really glad you asked this question. my reasoning is as follows, please let me know if you have further thoughts/suggestions on this.

    i am assuming that iCloud/Apple do not mine my emails for advertising/profiling purposes. i know that proton does not. most of my banking/financial dealings is with governmental entities. i do not want to be seen by banks etc. as the odd man out because they see my protonmail account in their database.

    on the other hand, everything else is with companies, which i do not care about that much, hence i use the more private protonmail.

    and to reiterate, my main purpose is to stop being profiled by big tech and google. so this icloud/proton combination works for me.

    sorry for bad english. pls let me know if you have suggestions! >0_0<

  • thanks for your response. I completely agree with you; the goalpost is always changing. it is really wonderful that you are doing a lot of self-hosting! do you use nextcloud for serving your self hosted files on the cloud? i guess self-hosting won't work for me since i am usually always on the move :D

  • :) haha, yes you are right and i do realize this. i guess i am doing what suits my preferences and life the best and choosing the lesser evil. as i mentioned in my post, flashing custom roms on my devices for the remaining years of my life is not convenient for me.

  • thank you so much for the suggestions; do you know if there is a way to use Organic Maps on iphone? similarly, I did use LibreOffice many years ago when I was using Ubuntu on my old laptop, but ever since i moved to macbook, i never thought about it, i should give it a try once again. thank you again for sharing!

    also, you have no idea how happy you made me by giving me my first comment on my first lemmy post!!

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