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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 days ago

  • That seems like a contradictory statement

    Also read this instances TOS and it is pretty lame. I have particular issue with no war footage. If you are in a democratic nation that is either in a war or funding a war you should see it's results for what it is. War is ugly and hiding that is a great disservice to the world

    But I suppose the advantage of lemmy is I can simply find an instance not afraid to share those and still have access to this one

  • Tallahassee

    It is raining ash

  • This would be awesome. I always worry with how expensive passenger rail has historically been in the US though. But if it's affordable and doesn't take much longer than driving this would be fantastic.

    Would have loved access to this back in college.

    I also hope they add a stop in Macon. I'm not a big fan of the city, but due to it's central nature is has a lot of potential to become a hub for rail across the entire state

  • That's the problem with platforms that offshoot for free speech reasons.

    I want to be able to say eat the rich and luigi magione was right.

    Others want to spout hate in all forms.

    Then people begin to argue these are the save of you should tolerate intolerance. Which you should never do

  • It will take the world a while to move away from the US. It's built itself as a relatively trusted, albeit flawed, nation to all the major western powers.

    It's sad to see the destruction of my country's reputation, sadder to see 50% of the population take pride in it. I'd leave if I could

  • Tallahassee

    Police finally shutdown the illegal gambling hall on Lake Bradford

  • I didn't say it was magic. Part of the issue is we don't know what modifications he made in making his artificial version. I won't pretend like there aren't a lot of unknowns there. It could alter the effectiveness in numerous ways.

  • Having a heterozygous deletion is still effecting the right gene. Without knowing both of her parents genetics it's hard to say if it was natural. What he did could produce either a heterozygous or homozygous result on the gene, but only the homozygous presentation is effective at prevention.

    So 1 was a full success and the other showed activation on the appropriate gene, but not enough to confer resistance. Although it is possible it does since he used an artificial gene. We know the natural one is not effective in a heterozygous presentation. I still think that was his greatest mistake. He should have just used the naturally effective gene.

    You do make a good point with the full backing rigor of the scientific method this procedure would always be successful.

  • So far I'm liking lemmy more because there is a lot less per post. I find I'm enjoying each thread more fully. It's like I'm not endless scrolling because I can't. I've actually read more articles in the day since I've joined than in my last 3 months on reddit.

  • Per the wikipedia page it states that it is not clear if it effective because they're not going to intentionally infect the children to test it. But we see the results specifically on the targeted gene. That's a success and demonstrates the technology works.

    I'd argue the folly was inserting an artificial gene as opposed to the natural gene that we already know works. Either way the technology showed expression on the correct gene, that is a success.

    We'd be having a better discourse on this if his results weren't banned from every journal and not studied.

  • By all accounts what he did worked. The potential to end HIV is huge. The amount of human suffering that could be reduced by rolling out what he did is very real.

    The technology is here. It's better to strictly manage it for the public good than to lock it away.

  • Tallahassee

    Bluesky pages for tallahassee news?


    What's your "weird" prep?

