How do you feel voting for the people complicit with extermination? Do you feel shame?
I hope you guys gets drafted to the middle east ahah
All americans are closet genociders. It's in the country's DNA. Their culture is entirely dedicated to population replacement. Not only are they shit human being in general, but literally choose to throw foreigners under the bus if their first world lifestyle is threatened.
As long as you support the tip of my d...
Talked like a true warcrime apologist. You should be in prison imo
Wherea the current american management is only litterally complicit with extermination.
America will get its civil war and you guys will pay for the last 50 years external policy.
Here's an idea. Jail him for treason. Jail the dems for extermination. Start fresh.
Americans are voting for a party apparatus that is complicit with extermination. Period. You cannot escape that fact. How does that make you feel, as a yank?
And dont start whining about trump. Trump is one of your people. Your responsibility, isn't it?
I really wonder how americans sleep at night lmao
Bitch I talked to a girl in Beyruth getting bombed with white phosphorus, kankerliker.
You know how law works, right? The guy who commit crime against humanity is worst than the guy who said he was going to commit extermination. Once he does, you can trial him.
Anyway you are complicit.
Americans thinking the rest of the world will care about their "sides". There is only one side. The genoside.
Seriously I hope one day justice goes after the denialists.
They are not apparently the same. They are covertly the same. Every five years the american people gets to decide if the violence is gonna be done to them or to people living far away. Democracy!
Yanks like to remind themselves that their life is worth more than a foreigner.
The yanks will never attack their own elite. They'd rather jerk off on how everybody that doesn't vote for their genocider is very very dumb.
When your political culture comes from memes coz books have too much words in them.
Russia is America's bitch since they put Yeltsin in power what the absolute shit. Trump isn't Putin's bitch. The opposite.