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2 yr. ago

  • I don’t care at all. I just think it’s funny. You, however, sound like you do care and are offended.

  • They should have called it Beef Supreme!!

  • guitars guitars

    Behold: Tapout as a guitar

  • major part of it, but I also wouldn’t want to live in a world where we could only get aspirin from willow bark. We either wouldn’t have enough aspirin or we wouldn’t have any more willow trees. Medicines derived from the actual source aren’t possible on a global scale in most cases.

    Capitalism is a blight on society and has lead to countless deaths. But in a utopia where money doesn’t exist and people create medicine for the world only to help people wit

    I agree with you but in that case, the need to synthesize it could be made entirely based on practicality rather than profit.

  • You’re almost right. Modern medicine needs to synthesize natural compounds to profit fully from them. They can’t just use natural remedies and present them to patients because they can’t patent them.

  • politics Politics

    The Arabic media on Israel’s crisis: Don’t interfere with its implosion

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    DEF CON 31 Trailer

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    Elons Blue Check Mark by MeatCanyon

    jordanpeterson Fuck Jordan Peterson

    Jordan Peterson said "There are no Great Socialist Intellectuals" ... here are 8 (reddit xpost)

  • Until the streaming services can come together to create an open, decentralized protocol, they don’t get my money.

    Piracy is an accessibility issue.

    🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️Real debrid with Kodi. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

  • cypherpunk cyph3rPunk

    Confessions of An Economic Hit Man | John Perkins | TEDxTraverseCity

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    Dream Wonders feat. Charles Hoskinson

    cardano Cardano

    Dream Wonders feat. Charles Hoskinson

    cypherpunk cyph3rPunk

    Spying on the Police | Renegade Cut

  • “prosperity”

    Do you mean proprietary?

  • enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam

    A list of people Elon is paying: Anti-Ukraine, Anti Vax, Anti Trans

  • This is the way. I’d like to be a mod here.