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Die Wirtschaftslage ist "kein Grund, dass irgendjemand Rechtspopulisten wählt"
  • Absolut richtig. Allerdings scheinen ja sehr viele AfD-Wähler und andere rechte Menschen tatsächlich davon überzeugt zu sein, dass die Ampel an allem Schuld ist.

  • Discussions are like a game of telephone; you're converting idea into language and expecting the recipient to flawlessly translate it back into an idea.
  • I don't think so, my point was that there's not only uncertainty in converting the idea to language and language back to an idea, but there's also uncertainty when transferring language from one person to another.

  • Discussions are like a game of telephone; you're converting idea into language and expecting the recipient to flawlessly translate it back into an idea.
  • There's also the difference between what you think the words you say mean and what they understand from your words.

  • After a death, do you delete the contact? Or let it sit in address book?
  • Keep it. I still have my uncle on Steam over 8 years later.

  • Malk?
  • Now with Vitamin R!

  • Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • Not to mention all the people who don't even have an adblocker and for some reason don't seem to care that their web browsing is infested with ads.

  • There's a loo right around the corner, too

  • What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
  • For a second I thought you were talking about masturbation.

  • Sheep 🐑
  • That's a fine transformation.

  • Locked
    Why can I see some communities while logged out, but not while logged in?
  • Do you have "Show Read Posts" turned on in the settings?

  • How System Requests Work and How to Add Your Own SysReq
  • You were talking about them not being able to comprehend the fact that you have your own opinion, so that was my guess.

  • How System Requests Work and How to Add Your Own SysReq
  • Yeah you're really showing them how you have the moral high ground by following them to other posts and harassing them there... ???

  • Parents with bilingual children, how did you do it?
  • Not a parent, but I was raised bilingually in English and German, while growing up in Germany.

    My Dad (almost) always speaks English with me, and my Mom (almost) always speaks German with me, even to this day at age 31. This approach worked well for us and I'm fluent in both languages, but I can imagine an approach where both parents speak both languages could work as well.

    What also really helped me was to consume a lot of media in English, so maybe you could encourage your child to do that as well.

  • Removed
    Can someone explained what hexbear is?
  • No, I'm not joking, my confusion stemmed from the fact that those who used those terms always seemed to mean them in the way I described. (Probably mostly Americans who grew up with the two party system)

    In Germany - at least in my bubble - we don't talk about "liberals" vs "conservatives", the spectrum is more diverse.

  • Removed
    Can someone explained what hexbear is?
  • I know, I'm German. Looks like I've mostly heard these terms used by Americans.

  • Removed
    Can someone explained what hexbear is?
  • Huh, TIL that "liberals" doesn't include socialists and communists. I always thought of "liberals" and "conservatives" as general terms for left and right.

  • Dubai plans to move its busy international airport to a $35 billion new facility within 10 years
  • I don't know about La Guardia but Heathrow is definitely at its capacity limit due to only having two runways.

  • ahto ahto
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