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Cost-cutting tips?
  • OMAD (one meal a day) and intermittent fasting is even healthier

  • What app you americans use for personal conversations?
  • I can't get my slavic grannies and aunties off of Viber either 😂

  • Home server setup recommendation
  • there's a community edition (portainer-ce) which is totally free to use

  • Home server setup recommendation
    • install proxmox & create VM with favourite distro
    • setup docker & portainer (for gui management)
    • have fun
  • How reliable is it to self host SimpleLogin, AnonAddy (addy), etc?
  • Yeah, I'm not that concerned about receiving, since I was able to send a mail with swaks and it came through in proton.

    So, the forwarding system is basically like running an own mailserver, right?

  • How reliable is it to self host SimpleLogin, AnonAddy (addy), etc?
  • I checked out addy too, but SL and their browser extension seem just more feature rich.

  • How reliable is it to self host SimpleLogin, AnonAddy (addy), etc?

    I have a private @gmail and a business (also via gmail), which I heavily rely on. Due to a recent data-leak somewhere, I'm now receiving unstoppable spam on my @gmail, and decided to set up a new account on proton and ditch @gmsil in favor of I came across SimpleLogin, and thought that I could use that instead of protons custom domain feature for both and

    Since I also host some stuff myself, I went through the self-hosting process of SimpleLogin, which was a pita dealing with postfix. But now, everything is running fine and I can send/receive emails, which I tested with @gmail and (gmail).

    Even though it was a nice learning experience, I'm starting to wonder whether my setup is future proof and reliable, especially when it comes to spam. I really don't want my mails to land in customers spam folders.

    So my question is, how reliable is a self hosted email-forwarding solution, and how does it compare with a self-hosted mail service. Like, are these two equal in terms when it comes to precautions etc?

    Snap store from Canonical hit with malicious apps Snap store from Canonical hit with malicious apps

    Canonical are currently dealing with a security incident with the Snap store, after users noticed multiple fake apps were uploaded so temporary limits have been put in place.

    Snap store from Canonical hit with malicious apps

    Canonical are currently dealing with a security incident with the Snap store, after users noticed multiple fake apps were uploaded so temporary limits have been put in place.

    Do any of you use Raspberry Pi’s ?
  • I wanted to reuse one for octoprint, but it turned out to be unreliable. So I switched to my NUC instead.

    I have the feeking that those SD cards just don't perform well and wear out more easily, and I really use good ones.

  • Removed
    PipeWire 1.0 Planned For Release Later This Year
  • wait... it ain't 1.0 yet, but it still fully works? noice!

  • Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games
  • at least you won't go to hell for this one

  • Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games
  • at least you won't go to hell for this one

  • Help me get the last two programs I need to work in Linux.
  • Have you tried running any of those through wine?

  • Does anyone *not* love using their bidet?
  • Same here, but ...
    I'm a lefty... so there's that 😅

  • Does anyone *not* love using their bidet?
  • I do have a bidet, kind of... it's one of those attachments you assemble onto the toilet seat. And I surely do prefer it bc of the convenience.

    When I'm on vacation thou, I get myself a bottle.

    In public toilets, I wetten some toilet paper beforehand and use that after I'm finished dry-wiping.

  • Does anyone *not* love using their bidet?
  • All good, mate! 😂

  • Does anyone *not* love using their bidet?
  • It's really not any different than washing off mud from your skin.

    Also, before we got old enough to do it ourselves, our moms used to rinse our butts after we had finished pooping.

  • It would appear has blocked this community
  • Meanwhile all kbin users: 🫢🍿

  • Does anyone *not* love using their bidet?
  • This might sound gross, but in our culture, we use a bottle of water and our hands to rinse and wipe. can't get any cleaner than that. and yes, we ofc wash our hands thoroughly afterwards.

  • Anyone got any tips for knocking a migraine when medicine doesn’t seem to be enough?
  • I'm struggling with headache for decades now. I was also obese for the most part of my life, and doctors always blamed it on obesity since MRI scans didn't show anything (thankfully).

    When I lost weight I went to a neurologist and he put me on migraine meds which didn't help.

    A few months after contracting covid in February 2023, my headaches got worse, so I went to a neurologist, doing an MRI again, which, as hoped and expected, showed nothing. So the doc put me on Amitriptyline, 5mg the first week, then 10mg.

    The 5mg already showed successful results for 6 days... I was in a better mood, and I haden't felt any headaches except for the last day. I'm now on 10mg and I hope to go through summer without any headaches.

    In any case, go see a doctor.

  • Is it just me, or are conspiracy theories trending right now?

    Another example, Fireship that has absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories, themed this video with alien-fuzz.

  • Is it just me, or are conspiracy theories trending right now?

    I'm using instagram to browse the discover feed mindlessly sometimes. I know, it's stupid, but I'm bored.

    At some point a short video about conspiracy showed up, so I hang in there and watched it.

    After mindlessly scrolling through the feed, more and more conspiracy stuff started showing up.

    Also, a few days before, the coridor crew on YT uploaded a vlog how they made a fake video go viral.

    And then there's the fuzz about the whistleblower, etc... resulting in many other YT videos referencing aliens, etc.

    FWIW, I'm not actively searching for conspiracy topics, etc... it's just that I've noticed a trend rising up, and I can't be the only one, can I ?!


    A 46,000-year-old worm found in Siberian permafrost was brought back to life, and started having babies A 46,000-year-old worm found in Siberian permafrost was brought back to life, and started having babies

    Scientists on Thursday published a paper identifying and naming the worm, which they said belonged to a previously-unidentified species.

    A 46,000-year-old worm found in Siberian permafrost was brought back to life, and started having babies

    Scientists on Thursday published a paper identifying and naming the worm, which they said belonged to a previously-unidentified species.

    Why can't we have a unified API across the fediverse to use in mobile apps?

    Is there a reason why all the services, that use the ActivityPub protocol don't have a unified API?

    None of the mastodon apps allow me to log in with a lemmy/kbin account.

    Also none of the lemmy apps allow me to log in with a kbin account.

    Even though kbin has both mastodon (microblogging) and lemmy (threads, communities) functionality.

    Also, Pixelfed recently introduced "login with Mastodon", but all it really does is just create a new user on it's instance and copy over the mastodon followers and profile info.

    Why can't we just have one account to rule them all?

    As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch

    As Twitter ditches its iconic branding in favor of owner Elon Musk's favorite letter "X," its open source competitor Mastodon is once again seeing usage numbers soar.

    As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch

    As Twitter ditches its iconic branding in favor of owner Elon Musk's favorite letter "X," its open source competitor Mastodon is once again seeing usage numbers soar.

    Inkscape launches version 1.3 with a focus on organizing work efficiently | Inkscape Inkscape launches version 1.3 with a focus on organizing work efficiently | Inkscape

    <p><img alt="Inkscape 1.3 About Screen CC-By-SA 4.0 by Denis Kuznetzky" src="" style="width: 30%; float: left; margin: 0 1em 1em 0" title="Inkscape 1.3 About Screen CC-By-SA 4.0 by Denis Kuznetzky" /></p> <p>With version 1.3 o...

    With version 1.3 of Inkscape, you’ll find improved performance, several new features, and a solid set of improvements to a few existing ones. This version is squarely focused on helping users get organized and work more efficiently with our free and open source vector-editing software.

    How about participating in /r/Place and promoting the fediverse?

    Could we get all the former subreddit mods who migrated to lemmy/kbin to unite and make some promo for lemmy/kbin on /r/place?

    How about participating in /r/Place and promoting the fediverse?

    Could we get all the former subreddit mods who migrated to lemmy/kbin to unite and make some promo for lemmy/kbin on /r/place?

    /kbin meta adonis
    I feel like I'm missing out on the hype using

    Most of the communities I'm interested in are on,, etc where they have a large activity there, but the UI/UX of kbin is what's holding me here.

    However, I feel like not all upvotes downvotes and even comments are federated to kbin, so I never get to experience the real hype of certain posts.

    I'm wondering where the bottleneck is? Is it a certain i stance not pushibg to, or is it not being able to handle this huge amount of streams?

    Also, if it's the latter, would I have a better experience if I were to host kbin myself?

    /kbin meta adonis
    Why do I keep seeing magazines on /sub that I'm not subscribed to?

    I usually browse under

    I noticed some posts from and many others popping up in the sub-feed. The thing is, I've never subscribed to these magazines.

    I even went to the magazine to check, whether I've subscribed accidentally, but I did not.

    Need a good gaming mouse that is Linux compatible. Any suggestions?

    I have had a Logitech G903 for almost 3 years now, and it worked great under Linux. It had smooth scroll properly working with solaar and I could remap/deactivate buttons with piper.

    Now that the G903 seems like it's going to die (random slowdowns), I'm in the market for a new mouse.

    I got a Razer Balistik v3 pro, only to find out that Razer support on Linux is terrible.

    So I got the G502 X Plus, hoping it would work like the G903 did, but has a bunch of issues.

    For exampe: It's not recognized by piper, so I cannot remap/disable buttons. While I can change the dpi with solaar, it only stays until I press the thumb-dpi-button, then it switches to a higher dpi and stays there. (had to enable in-memory profile on a windows vm with ghub, to make solaar work) ... and many more.

    Are there any good wireless mice out there, that have good Linux support?

    How should we deal with similarly named communities?

    Right now there are similarely named communities across the fediverse.

    "fediverse@xxx", "Linux@xxx", "asklemmy", "askkbin"..etc...

    I'm on kbin and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use the fediverse more productively, by reaching the largest amount of people for asking questions, solving problems, simply put: to engage... like I used to do on Reddit?

    Be patient! We'll get there eventually.

    I see a lot of comments pointing out bugs and saying something along the lines like "they need to fix this ASAP, otherwise... something something".

    As a software developer myself (not in the fediverse), I can tell you one thing:

    Keep in mind that all of this literally escalated pretty quickly, and no one was prepared for that. What started out as a hobby project of some enthausiasts, quickly turned into a high demand over the course of a few days.

    Having hundreds of enthusiasts use a software is different than having thousends of "average" people using it. 100 users won't detect many bugs, and if they do, they're more tolerant since they know it's all volunteering. But thousands of users will detect even more bugs that no one bothered to deal before.

    Once the userbase grows and the demands are clear enough, this should be tackled, eventually.

    So yeah, hang in there.

    I wrote my own streaming app for Android TV. Do you want me to open source it?

    I've been using my own streaming app for the past few years now.

    I decided to rock my own thing because of the following reasons. Since many of the existing ones are closed source, you never know what data is collected. Kodi is fine, but I prefer nice UIs to browse my favorite content. And lastly, I'm a passionate developer.

    The app consists of 3 parts:

    • the TV app itself
    • a backend service to fetch data from trakt/tmdb
    • a backend service for openscrapers (real debrid)
    • external player of choice (nova, vlc, ...)

    To get it up and running, you'd need to run the two backend services on your own server and install an external player like Nova, since it doesn't provide a built-in player.

    Would you guys be interested in it so I make my repos publicly available?

    adonis adonis

    Developer by day, gamer by night!

    🖥️ Stack: #NodeJS #Flutter #Go 🐧Linux: Currently on #Fedora 🎮️ Games: #ApexLegends and #Chess

    Fun fact: Built my own custom keyboard, which sometimes doesn't work and hangs, but hey.. it still adds to the charm, right 😂

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    Comments 93