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I knew it
  • You wish.

  • Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it
  • Clearly, but those are the ones we are interested in.

  • True supporters
  • He was the kid everyone copied from in the older version of this.

  • True supporters
  • Fun fact, TinEye lists this image as first uploaded to the internet in 2015, nearly a whole decade ago.

    It has been pretty unfunny for nearly ten full years now.

  • Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it
  • Is this showerthoughts or oldbumperstickers?

  • Mark Zuckerberg: creators and publishers ‘overestimate the value’ of their work for training AI
  • So he's determining the price of peoples goods for them.

    That's like walking into a shop taking what you want and throwing a few coins, if any, at the till whilst shouting, "I think you over estimate the value of these goods"

  • Why do people like crt shaders in the retroarch community. There's so many videos about it. Is it a product of their time or are non-crt experiencers doing it?
  • That makes a lot of sense.

    As far as I'm aware, if your TV did start to provide feedback as you played you were in for a bad time.

    I guess I'm thinking more holistically. Gaming is often seen still as a visual medium, but you'll know that the physical set up was part of the fun/not fun.

    I suspect you might remember man parties and lugging gear around just to play with friends. In theory it wasn't exactly easy, but somehow still enjoyable for it.

  • Why do people like crt shaders in the retroarch community. There's so many videos about it. Is it a product of their time or are non-crt experiencers doing it?
  • And I forgot the smell and the heat too. That warm ozone thing a lot of them had going on.

  • Why do people like crt shaders in the retroarch community. There's so many videos about it. Is it a product of their time or are non-crt experiencers doing it?
  • Yeah, when you turned them on they frequently had push buttons with satisfying resistance and a click.

    As an object they had their own tactility, often solid and heavy (as opposed to the sort of articulated physicality of most modern monitors). You could often feel the static electricity across the glass.

    They even had their own sounds. The hum of warming up, the whine and clunk of being turned off.

    When we talk about nostalgia it's often the sensations adjacent to the activity that we are talking about.

  • My condolences
  • So like okay, so OK, so OK, like so, OK, so Okay, like Ok, so????

  • Why do people like crt shaders in the retroarch community. There's so many videos about it. Is it a product of their time or are non-crt experiencers doing it?
  • That's cool, but I sort of said that exact thing in my first comment. So now you are explaining what I said back to me.

    Also, bullshit. Shaders are not close to CRTs. They lack the tactile response and the emission spectrum of the tube. They are a substitute but nothing gets close to using the actual hardware.

  • Why do people like crt shaders in the retroarch community. There's so many videos about it. Is it a product of their time or are non-crt experiencers doing it?
  • People will knock nostalgia ... They see it as a sort of softness, a yearning for the past...

    But what they miss is the way that it can create intergenerational connections.

    That's a really lovely thing to hear about your relationship with your dad and Ms Pac-Man.

    Wait, that sounds libellous.

  • Why do people like crt shaders in the retroarch community. There's so many videos about it. Is it a product of their time or are non-crt experiencers doing it?
  • I think people who played those games on CRTs originally remember the feel of the visuals. It is a rather nostalgic thing.

    The filters aren't the same, but they're not a bad approximation. Mist of those games were not meant to be played on modern hardware and look worse for it too.

    Then there will be a ton of folk who just do it because they see other people do it. That's fine too, especially if they are enjoying themselves.

    That's the point. If the filter makes you feel happier, go for it. It's an aesthetic choice.

  • Hello, officer?
  • This is the family edit version. The other version the OP has posted include the TV edit, the studio DVD, the criterion collection and, of course, the extended cut directors edit.

  • "Dammit, I gave you what you asked for!"
  • Fake convo though. Here, have a higher resolution standwich and make your own.

  • Juice rule
  • Cranberries evolved so they wouldn't be eaten.

    Most fruits want to be eaten so that birds disperse the seeds.

    Their preferred method of dispersal was dropping into flowing water, so that they could find somewhere nice to grow near water.

    The astringent taste was to stop birds eating them. They became buoyant in water to help them float down stream.

    Humans appeared and loved that dry flavour.

    Became one of the most eaten fruits on the planet.

    Humans even harvest them by flooding and using their own buoyancy against them.

    They will get their revenge.

  • misspelled recipient
  • Crusty old meme recycling boomer joke.

  • Traffic to be banned from London’s Oxford Street under Sadiq Khan plan
  • That's a bit like saying you can find cheaper rollercoasters outside Disney Land.

    It's true, but price isn't why people go. It's prestige and experience.

  • I miss text-based tutorials

    When I use the internet to learn, I don't want to have to spend 2 minutes watching an advert, then try to decipher an accent I can barely understand whilst a 15 year old speed runs the task whilst seemingly skipping crucial steps in a video.

    I want the steps written down. Maybe with diagrams.

    I'm old. Learning is hard enough.

    Microblog Memes adam_y
    All Cakes Are Baklava (ACAB)
    A day at the beach

    Hello, long time listener, first time caller...

    I just wanted to say hi. I'm very much interested in the grain, the unplanned and the documentary when it comes to analogue photography.

    This one was shot on fomapan 400 and an Optima 335 that I've had in my jacket pocket for a while.

    Lost at Sea - a modest modernist symphony with monosynths


    I though you might like the more nerdier details about this track.

    The equipment is a Pro-1, an Uno Synth and a Volca Keys (set to octave). All running through a Behringer xenyx and recorded on a tascam dp 006.

    I used an Sq-64 for the sequencing, which was a steep learning curve but I think it came out ok.

    In terms of the music I was particularly interested in timbrality changes and phasing as well as emergent patterns. I'd planned for the piece to be around an hour long, but it came to a natural conclusion at the 21 minute mark and I went with that.

    There's also a version on YouTube here, where I used the recorded midi output to create an animation. It was a bit of an afterthought, but I think it might make some great and complex visuals down the line as a technique.

    Ok, thank you for your time.

    Lost at Sea - A Modernist Music Piece for Three Analogue Synths

    Long time listener, first time caller.

    My first post to Lemmy is a piece of modernist music I've made for three synthesizers.

    In this case, I used a Behringer Pro-1, an Uno Synth, and a Volca Keys.

    I'm very much interested in repetition and emergent rhythms. Feel free to share some of your own work if you think I'd be into it.

    adam_y adam_y

    Synth noodling conceptual artist

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