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idk where to really put this (might turn into a blog post later or something). it's what you might call a "hot take", certainly a heterodox one to some parts of the broader #fediverse community. this
  • And I always thought that this is some of the LD patterns that easily make sense: to globally identify each term used in your data by an IRI and to use the same IRI as a link to the term's documentation. Apparently, I was wrong.

    OTOH, I get it when people don't think they need (to understand) JSON-LD but I also think it is not too much to ask to follow community patterns by slapping a context link into your JSON.

  • idk where to really put this (might turn into a blog post later or something). it's what you might call a "hot take", certainly a heterodox one to some parts of the broader #fediverse community. this
  • Thanks for the thread! Coming myself from a linked data background and having adopted a simple use of JSON-LD as Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD), I never understood (and still don't understand) what problems people have with JSON-LD in AP and AS. I am much in favour of an open world approach. It is quite powerful if people share their extensions and try to find and reuse solutions by others. In the end, we'd create shared data models together: a social act for the social web.

  • acka47 Adrian

    web librarian working on @lobid, @skohub, @metafacture, @oersi & other things, @swib co-organizer, living in Cologne, Germany \#librarian #lod #foss #metadata #köln #hbz #libraries #fedi22 #openness searchable

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