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Nintendo would "rather go in a different direction" than follow AI trend, says Miyamoto
  • I was trying to look more into game dev crunch at Nintendo and the most recent articles I could find were about Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask (all for the Nintendo 64) and Metroid Prime (for the GameCube). From what I can tell all of their recent games have been delayed instead of forcing crunch.

    That being said the difference in work culture means they probably still have longer hours but they aren't giving their developers actual PTSD like EA and Activision. It is really sad that the bar for AAA game devs is not having devs hospitalized from overworking. Hopefully more game dev and software dev companies can meaningfully unionize to combat that.

  • C++ try not to add footguns challenge (impossible)
  • My bad, that's on me, it looks like the C++ libraries I found use either templates or boost's reflection. There might be a way to do it with macros/metaprogramming but I'm not good enough at C/C++ to know.

    I'm learning rust and C at the same time and was mixing up rust's features with C's. Rust's answer to reflection is largely compile-time macros/attributes and I mistakenly assumed C's attributes worked similarly since they have the same name.

  • C++ try not to add footguns challenge (impossible)
  • See my other comment for more detials but it kind of destroys the type safety of the language. In Java for example, it lets you modify private/protected fields and call private/protected methods.

    It's also slower than accessing a field normally since you need to do a string lookup (but slightly faster than a hashmap/dictionary) so if you use it over a large enough list it'll cause slowdowns.

    Most use cases for it in Java/C# revolve around testing, serialization, and dynamic filtering/sorting. And most of those cases can be handled more safely using macros/attributes (EDIT: and templates as well, though those are also pretty painful to deal with) because that gets handled at compile-time in C/C++.

  • C++ try not to add footguns challenge (impossible)
  • It's pretty cool when you use it right but it's also really easy to shoot yourself in the foot with, even by C++ standards. For example, in other languages (I'm coming from Java/C# which both have it) it lets you access private/protected fields and methods when you normally wouldn't be able to.

    There's also a noticeable performance penalty over large lists because you're searching for the field with a string instead of directly accessing it.

    For the times it is necessary (usually serialization-adjacent or dynamic filtering/sorting in a table) to use reflection, it's faster at runtime than converting an object to a dictionary/hashmap. However, 99% of time it's a bad call.

  • C++ try not to add footguns challenge (impossible)
  • There's a pretty big difference though. To my understanding enable_if happens at compile time, while reflection typically happens at runtime. Using the latter would cause a pretty big performance impact over a (large) list of data.

  • C++ try not to add footguns challenge (impossible)


    Alt text:

    A screenshot from the linked article titled "Reflection in C++26", showing reflection as one of the bullet points listed in the "Core Language" section

    What comes to mind?
  • The dev who owned the branding for forge (LexManos) is infamously abrasive and rude to others to the point where the forge community was slowly falling apart because new people didn't want to be involved with him. The rest of the team decided to rebrand to NeoForge and continue without him.

  • Three Mile Island nuclear plant set for restart on Microsoft AI power deal
  • Given that it was running until 2019 when it closed because it wasn't profitable enough, I think it's probably fine

  • What comes to mind?
  • That's definitely true but at the same time why do people have to cause fights in the first place, they're all part of a community for a game they enjoy playing :(

    I also agree with you on the sodium license change, it's definitely the most reasonable of the ones I listed since the dev seemed to be getting maintainer burn-out and had some bad experiences with other people in the MC modding community. I don't really like the idea of it not being OSS though because the key strength of that is not being tied to a single maintainer or group.

  • What comes to mind?
  • Modpacks still have attribution but they likely have attribution to the fork. The fork will have attribution in the source code somewhere but most MC players aren't likely to actually look at the GitHub repo, so they'll only see the fork's name.

  • What comes to mind?
  • The lead developer changed the license to a much less permissive one because of drama surrounding being credited in modpacks. The dev thinks there are forks that exist solely to sidestep crediting the original mod, I'm not up to date enough on Minecraft modding lore to know if this is true or not.

    I'm pretty sure there's also a fork that branches off of the last GPL commit but I forget what it's called.

  • mf'ing 8K banana PNGs
  • I mean assuming you have nothing else except the OS on it fair enough I guess

  • Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands.
  • Not entirely sure if this video covers costs but the short answer is that there are ways to safely store nuclear waste that won't impact the surrounding environment.

  • mf'ing 8K banana PNGs
  • You're right. It actually has less content than any mobile game except cookie clicker (and even then it's arguable cookie clicker has more content). In reality this should fit on an 8gb phone from 2010 because it is literally just a single image of a banana that you click on.

  • What comes to mind?
  • It was, the company that bought out Audacity added a bunch of telemetry to it

  • ‘Cold-Blooded Business’: Nintendo Is Patent Trolling Palworld Because It Got Too Big
  • Calling odyssey Mario 64 v2 is like calling Doom Eternal Doom 1993 v3. There are a LOT of changes they've made to 3D Mario games mechanically that makes Odyssey a much better platformer than even Galaxy and Sunshine, let alone Mario 64. Yeah, if you look at the story it's still a Mario game. But if you're playing a platformer for the story then you're fundamentally not the audience for a Mario game (or really a good portion of 2D/3D platformers)

    I personally despise Nintendo as a company for all of their legal nonsense but I will admit that besides the way Game Freak ruined Pokemon, most of their first party titles are pretty good games.

    From what I can tell they are also one of the only large game publishers that shows any amount of care for their game devs. Ignoring the fake Miyamoto quote about rushed games, they've also said in interviews that they want developers to have work-life balances and that they would rather delay games instead of having crunches. The only examples of crunch I could find were (ironically enough) Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and the original Metroid Prime. (If there are more recent ones my opinion of them would probably be the opposite though)

  • Give it up for Ryzen AI Max+: AMD's Strix Halo uber-APU model list and preliminary specs have leaked out
  • Ryzen AI Max+

    That might just be the worst product name I have ever heard in my life. Congrats AMD!

  • look upon my works ye mighty and despair
  • I assumed this is a Pizza Hut based on the roof but they still exist so I'm not sure it fits?

    I like the version of this meme that's a picture of a building with an outline of a former Sears logo on the front

  • What comes to mind?
  • Audacity was the first one I thought of.

    Or MultiMC, PolyMC, the Sodium mod, or the original Minecraft Forge.

    (Minecraft community devs need to stop having drama lmao)

  • 'We don't think Hi-Fi Rush 2 is going to make us money:' Krafton CEO says Tango Gameworks acquisition is about legacy
  • The article is clickbaited with an out-of-context quote. He isn't making an excuse, he's saying that it was worth saving Tango (and Hi-Fi rush) for their originality and artistic value, even though he says it might not technically be profitable from an acquisition standpoint

  • 'We don't think Hi-Fi Rush 2 is going to make us money:' Krafton CEO says Tango Gameworks acquisition is about legacy
  • Tbf this title is incredibly clickbaited. In the actual article they say they bought Tango and Hi-Fi rush because they thought the art was worth keeping alive, not because it would make money.

  • timeline issues?

    Not really sure if there is a better place to put this, but is having issues for anyone else? I can log in but my timeline doesn't load at all.

    Yes, yes we can

    Credit to for the original post

    Alt text: >Me: mom can we have (Linux penguin)?

    >The rest of the meme is scribbled out and over it is one word, "Yes"

    What's the impact of distrobox (and by extension docker/podman) on battery life?

    I'm trying out NixOS on my laptop right now and I'm loving it so far, but I was thinking of setting up distro box for ubuntu (mostly for a few developer environments dependent on it) and arch (for packages that aren't on nixpkgs yet). I was wondering about the battery life hit on a laptop and I couldn't find anything definitive on google/ddg. Has anyone here noticed a difference?

    Good luck web devs
    Alt text:

    Twitter post by Daniel Feldman (@d_feldman): Linux is the only major operating system to support diagonal mode (credit [Twitter] @xssfox). Image shows an untrawide monitor rotated about 45 degrees, with a horizontal IDE window taking up a bottom triangle. A web browser and settings menu above it are organized creating a window shape almost like a stepped pyramid.

    Edit: alt text

    Reminder to clear your ~/.cache folder every now and then
    Alt Text

    A screenshot of a file manager preview window for my ~/.cache folder, which takes up 164.3 GiB and has 246,049 files and 15,126 folders. The folder was first created about 1.75 years ago with my system

    Zangoose Zangoose
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