XM34 @ XM34 @feddit.org Posts 0Comments 3Joined 4 mo. ago
You know, I actually think it's the miniblocks datapack for Minecraft. That's the only "mod" that is included in every single world I play in. Every other mod in every other game is kind of optional, but I'll never play Minecraft without miniblocks ever again. Not that I use them a ton, but they singlehandedly managed to actually get me exceited for the wandering trader again!
Bitte nicht BSW. M.M. nach profitiert die Linke grade massiv davon, dass sie dieses Putin-verehrende Krebsgeschwür losgeworden sind. Die BSW soll bitte einfach den Einzug in den Bundestag verpassen!
You would think this is an insult to the Trump administration
And you would be right. There's no doubt that some government agencies are bloated and overstaffed. But what this administration is doing is not even close to fixing any of these problems. They set out to allegedly trim a few sick trees and instead they're burning down the entire forest!