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They sent out Kamala to lie about this one.
  • Pick a party in the executive branch in a time like now. Which one kills her career willfully? If your answer isn’t “pretty much both” you’re in need of what? Less adhd? Maybe you need to be more sexually deviant. Or perhaps you need more adhd.

  • Police raid Moscow gay bars after a Supreme Court ruling labeled LGBTQ+ movement 'extremist'
  • Now I understand. I am not a fucking lib. Moderators on here need to get to know me. Moderators on here should know I’m 48 and I’ve not been a lib ever. I was totally born a man who likes to have sex with other men. I’m a gay communist. If your communist ideals hate on me because I’m gay, I’ll just hunt you down and kill you. I have weapons. Already found the ip address of the fellow who moderates this shit. Some of us super removeds really like murder as an option. Nothing like putting down a breeder lib.

  • Israel Carries Out Airstrike On Syrian Capital
  • Not a shocker if you just turned 48 like I did. In the 1980s when I was a kid, Reagan was President, and I lived in Maine. My dad’s proposal was to just drop a nuke on the whole region and annihilate the whole area. My dad was so mean. He was trying to keep me from blasting Rock the Casbah on my 45. Must have grated on his nerves.

  • Alejandro Cao de Benos arrested on US warrant
  • I’m actually an American that lives in Spain. He is not interesting media-wise. Funny how he’s been arrested other times. With the same results. In Spain he isn’t a headliner. Not a surprise because he doesn’t speak to the Spanish press. You get headlines and attention in Spain if you actually say something to them. Or maybe journalists here are afraid of him?

  • Police raid Moscow gay bars after a Supreme Court ruling labeled LGBTQ+ movement 'extremist'
  • Read the article, read the stream. Lots of people need to understand: The Soviet Union formed a loooooooong time ago and institutionally was racist, anti-Semitic, anti-homosexual, totalitarian, and viewed justice as a means to scare the living shit out of anyone who questioned whatever regime was in power. Putin is doing the same thing. He is probably illiterate and never read Marx. Who knows? He likes his power. He likes himself. He is not trying to bring back the USSR. He is sustaining an oligarchy that formed after the fall of the USSR. He most certainly is not a communist.

  • Los Angeles police ask for help finding person suspected of killing 3 homeless people as they slept | CNN
  • My thoughts exactly. When I lived there, I talked to the homeless people on the bus that used it to sleep. Only place they could sleep and feel safe was on public transportation. The homeless are afraid for their lives and nobody cares. It breaks my heart. I fucking care.

  • You won't like hearing this, but the poor gaming industry NEEDS to raise prices to *at least* 100 USD
  • What irks me is that the people who are willing to pay higher prices for commodities with weak rationales / illogical arguments are sometimes the same ones who think it's OK for people to starve to death because they're poor and would never dream of permitting health care to be universal because it means higher income tax. Lots of "little people" are perfectly content remaining "little" and giving their money away to the "big boys" who already have the big money.

  • I’m getting wasted listening to a song because I’m old.

    Is it bad to be almost 48 and sit around the house listening to music that is sometimes rock, sometimes disco, and just meditate on what the fuck.

    How is Grim Dawn in 2023 ?
  • I’d love to multi player with someone from here. My only caveat is that the game isn’t my go-to, so I’m developing a character that’s a piece of shit. If you’re into multiplayer with peeps that suck, here I am!

  • Target Now Offering Snipers To Take Out Other Shoppers For Black Friday
  • Do you have to get one of those friggin’ shoppers club cards for this program? Like, I gotta fill out the application to get a fucking card in the mail with a bar code to scan to get the discount plus hiring a sniper for the Black Friday? Got so many of these fucking shopping club cards, man. Scan it, BEEP, so boring. Just so you keep track of how much booze I buy and how many cheap grannies I got sniped off.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Evidently, for this internet rando, Trump isn’t right-wing enough. That’s something important to note because in the Fediverse sooooo many people lazily throw the “tankie” word around in posts and threads. “So-and-so is a tankie,” and “that instance is run by tankies “ yadda yadda. Left wingers are much more numerous in their fantasy than reality because the right-wingers far outnumber the leftists and the leftists are scary to them. This is why they try to poo-poo us any chance they get in the fediverse. Only place you’ll find criticism of their wanton ignorance is right here.

  • How is Grim Dawn in 2023 ?
  • It’s a really good game. It’s hard to figure out, though. I’ve played it off and on for three years and recently got more serious about it. Now that I’m more serious, I consult to figure out when to farm for shit and when not to. It’s a handy web site because the game kind of expects you to know stuff that you don’t know about what you’re supposed to do. I can get in the zone with this game for hours because of how balanced the random stuff is. It’s definitely designed to try out various characters. The only downside is that there are definitely character types to avoid. That’s why is available. You really don’t need anything more than that at this point. The game is old and the tools website gives you the info you need.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    WholeEnchilada [he/him]

    So nice to be here!

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