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  • Considering it is a career that requires certification to do, I find myself doubting that you just suddenly found yourself being a bartender with no intentional desire to be one. Care to share more details to flesh out the story?

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  • No. If you’re a good person who chooses to work for a corrupt organization, you are also choosing to shoulder some of the responsibility for the actions of that group. I would also like to know where you got the idea that there are 800,000 good officers in the US, because that feels like a made up number.

  • Is there an artist whose work you love but was a shitty person?
  • Not saying he’s a saint, but isn’t an alternative interpretation that he was young, inexperienced, and had a bad relationship, then grew up, learned some things, and had a better relationship later? Julian Lennon was on Bill Maher’s podcast recently and described a reconciliation between him and his dad right before he died.

    Again, not trying to excuse all his bad behavior in his first marriage, but I also don’t think that a failed relationship is enough evidence to judge a whole life by, especially one that was under extraordinary pressure.

  • The Zilker Park Vision Plan is not moving forward, according to Mayor Kirk Watson. Austin mayor: Zilker Park Vision Plan ‘shelved,’ future plans will focus on common goals

    The post said the plan will not be on city council’s August 31 agenda and that there is, “no plan to bring it before the Austin Mayor and Council in the future.”

    Apple exec's latest interview is a pile of greenwashed BS
  • In my opinion, it is perceived difficulty that keeps people from using it. Most basic users will use the OS that is installed on the computer when it ships and never stray from that. It often takes another Linux user to introduce someone to it before they will use it.

    Those concerns you mentioned are basically non existent for a low level user who just wants to do email, internet, and word documents, which covers a decent chunk of home windows users. Not all, of course, but many.

  • Apple exec's latest interview is a pile of greenwashed BS
  • Bro, you’re talking about Arch. No duh it isn’t user friendly—it isn’t designed to be. If you’re going to compare Windows to Linux, the only fair comparison would be to Ubuntu or Linux Mint or something else designed for the people outside of the tech-illuminati.

  • What is an item below 100 bucks that everyone should own?
  • But what about the chapped butt? For real, the three times I’ve gotten to use one for more than a week (fancy ones in hotels), I end up feeling like a baby with diaper rash. I’d use triple the TP gladly just to avoid that feeling. I’m not someone who has that happen to them normally either, so it was definitely the bidets.

  • 12 Hours With ProxMox

    After a weekend of testing on a beater computer, I finally transitioned my media server over to ProxMox yesterday. It was a real trial to get the drives mounted to the VM correctly without erasing them, but an hour of googling got me to a working solution. Now that I’ve had a few hours to experience it all working correctly…

    This thing is amazing. It gives me such a technology boner just to look at all the info it puts at your fingertips, plus I’m getting much better performance out of some programs after isolating them. Only complaint is the subscription pop up, but I’ll live.

    So if you’ve been on the fence about making the switch like I was, I can definitely say you should do it. This is a ridiculously useful tool for any computer enthusiast.

    Local Network Wiki

    I have a self hosted media server, and I want my family to use it more so I don’t have to do everything for them. I think the best way to do that is to have a wiki available on the local network where they can see a reference of how to use things. What is the best way to accomplish this?

    I’m running Ubuntu Server.

    If a person with bad vision uses manual focus on a camera, can the focus be adjusted to their own prescription?

    And if it is possible to correct your vision with the camera lens, can the picture then be printed with the same clarity for the poor vision haver?

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