More than 50 years ago, Sharon Kinne allegedly murdered her husband in Missouri, shot dead her new lover's wife and then killed a man she met a bar in Mexico.
Socialist Mormon Satanist. Socialist Workers Party Kopimist. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Work-free. Over 45,000 downvotes hurled at me for refusing to kneel and vote for the capitalist Duopoly. Despite the attempts to silence me, I'm still here. I won't be stopped.
It says in the article that she died. And law enforcement said that there will be closure at the press conference. So actually the mystery has been solved.
Chick got away with it, and died.
Mystery of woman who 'killed three' then vanished from prison 55 years ago is finally solved
Love this. Thank you!
Ugh! I never even thought of that!
Agreed! Soo cute and adorable!
The Trump Justice Department says it has fired more than a dozen employees who worked on criminal investigations into President Donald Trump.
Meh, not a fan of this vid. I wanted to like it though!
Interesting note. Thanks for this! :)
I go back and forth with my thoughts on this. I mean, if someone actually started the community, I sorta think it's theirs. But if you just have a bunch of mods, and the original founder is gone, then I think it's the community.
I have very small communities that I mod. And as of now, I am in charge of what goes there and what doesn't because no one posts. If it grew, I'd still like to think I was in charge (under instance admin of course)
I mean are the posters of an instance in charge of the instance or is the admin who set it up?
Street Workout World Championship
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These are some great points. To be honest, before reading this conversation I was in the group of: “it’s their community, they can do what they want with it. Start your own if you disagree”
After reading about all the 196 stuff, I'm definitely rethinking my views. Thank you!
I'm new to the conversation, but may I ask what the number "196" means in this context? Does it signify something important to the transgender community?
YouTube: Native Esperanto speaker Stela speaking the Esperanto language
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