I think this phenomenon is more commonly referred to as bouncing. And you are looking to debounce an input. (Switches bounce, and relays chatter)
It may be worth looking into libinput for debounce parameters/tweaking. They may be hard coded.
It's not something I've messed around with on a PC. It's common issue when reading the raw state of a button, as an input on a microcontroller.
If your keyboard has configurable firmware, it could be an approach too.
It looks very underwhelming. Do Linux Desktop Devs ever actually managed a collection/playlists or even listen to music on their machines?
2500K are good overclockers, ran one for many years at 4.7GHz. It definitely kept my CPU relevant way past it's supposed life span.
Industrial HVAC systems use water towers to cool the hot side of system. The method relies on physics of evaporative cooling to reduce temperatures of the water. The process requires water to be absorbed by atmosphere, to drive the cooling effect. (Lower the humidity, the higher the cooling efficiency is, as the air as greater potential to absorb and hold moisture).
The method is somewhat similar to power station cooling towers. Or even swamp coolers. (An odd example would be, experimental PC water cooling builds with 'bong coolers', which are evaporative coolers, built from drainage pipes)