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2 yr. ago

  • I think you’re good on spoilers since it is the first episode where the shuttlebay three reveal happens.

    The crew knows that shuttle bay three is there, they just call it ”the restricted hanger” which makes me question what the difference between a shuttle bay and a hanger is. I don’t think that accounts for the three missing decks. It could be that Zero was simply wrong.

    Or it could be that deck numbering aboard Starfleet ships makes no damn sense.

    Also, unless you count the Infinity there aren’t any shuttles in shuttle bay three.

  • 12 is what I want to pick as well, just because I feel like Riker and Kirk are some of the more gregarious characters, and would make for the best conversation, but that would be three relatively burly dudes in one another's space for a pretty long time.

    I think ultimately I would have to pick 8.

  • Thank you! These are always fantastic. Please keep them up!

    Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm going through season two as I'm able, but with Netflix dropping them all at once, and my other obligations, I can't say I'm going to be especially quick with the posts. Hopefully I can do two or three a week, but I make no promises.

  • Please explain what it is about my post you think is trolling.

  • I guess Gen Z didn’t pay as much attention to space because the shuttle program ended before their time?

    I love that one of the enduring aspects of human nature is that each generation wants broad strokes paint the ones that follows them as lazy, incurious dolts who will lead to the downfall of civilization. Gen Z is getting the brunt of it now, but it wasn't too long ago that op eds were written blaming Millennials for "killing" everything from golf, to wine, to napkins, to basic courtesy. We can go all the way back to Plato, disparaging the youths of ancient Greece for sagging their togas, and spending all their time looking at tablature as opposed to having real conversations. And, of course, my generation also got its fair share before we all turned into the cranky old men shaking our fists at clouds in between writing those op eds.

  • Best boss I ever had!

  • You don't have to play the good guys for the system to work, the same system is used for Dune - Adventures in the Imperium, and that's a setting about as morally grey as it gets. Even with Star Trek Adventures, there is the Klingon Core Rulebook if you want to be a bit more rowdy than your typical Starfleet officers. The Operations Division sourcebook has suggestions for playing as Section 31 as well.

  • Lack of time is definitely the enemy of table top gaming. I feel very fortunate that I've managed to have an ongoing [mostly] weekly STA game for two and half years now.

  • If you're paying, you can spell his name any way you like.

  • My excitement at having Paul Giamatti in Trek is significantly tempered by the idea that he’s going to be the season villain for “Starfleet Academy”. Unless he’s going to be the hard ass dean of the Academy that doesn’t want to put up Tilly’s students putting Orion pheromones in the environmental system, and kidnapping the Klingon Military Academy’s targ mascot before the big game, I’m not interested in a villain.

  • Not surprised there wasn’t a close-up on that one; I wouldn’t have recalled that Janeway has a microscope in her ready room.

  • I think Burnham was referencing Book, not Tyler, when she said she knows what it’s like to lose someone but got him back.

    I suppose you could interpret it that way, but I just don’t see it myself.

    Book died during the final events of 10C, but they magically zapped him back into existence, if I recall correctly.

    Book didn’t die, he was transporting out, and the 10C were able to capture his transporter pattern, and then later resolve it.

  • Odo definitely identifies as male.

    And yes.

  • He insisted that even though he is gay, the Sulu he portrayed is straight.

    "Unfortunately, it’s a twisting of Gene’s creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it’s really unfortunate."

    Takei was not into it, but I do feel like he was overselling just how much thought Roddenberry put into the side characters in Trek. Sulu didn't even get a given name until "The Voyage Home", a film Roddenberry had nothing to do with.

    (In Generations, Sulu is married and has a daughter, Demora, who helmed the Enterprise-B.)

    Demora is Sulu's daughter, but there's no mention that Sulu was married, or if he was that it was to a woman.

    (and Cho himself is cool being a straight Korean playing a gay Japanese)

    Funny you mention the character's nationality, considering that Roddenberry envisioned Sulu as some pan-Asian character on indeterminate nationality. Sulu is not a Japanese name, and Roddenberry chose to name the character after the Sulu sea of the coast of the Philippians.

    Please don’t assume that I thought otherwise just because I didn’t explicitly mention every potentiality in that one post.

    That was not my assumption. I just can't think of any reason to assume that Sulu is not bi or pan, given what we know about the various iterations of the character.

  • Risa



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