It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose
It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose
Not my OC
It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose
Not my OC
Normally this meme format is difficult because there are no good choices. But this time there are no bad ones!
Still, I think I'd have to go with 3.
I feel like with Sisko and Kirk it would be either Sisko fanboying over Kirk or an unending argument between the two, or possibly the first leading into the second. In either case, I don't want to be in the middle of that.
Sisko and Kirk have already had a crossover episode, so I have to assume the entire journey would just be Sisko pitching tribbles at Kirk.
I do lol
3 feels like the "right" answer but 7 would absolutely be the most fun
actually either i would probably have to switch seats with O'Brien halfway through because Mariner keeps poking the back of his head and then turning away when he turns around
Saru and Kelvin Spock would probably get along really well. Everyone else would be having heated arguments that I think would be amazing to witness, if not take part in.
I think I'd most like to sit between Mariner and Pike, though.
Came to the same conclusion, that Saru/Spock would be an enlightening trip.
My first thought was Picard because we'd both quietly read books we brought along, but then again I wouldn't want to miss out on all the crazy space cowboy tales Kirk would share with me. So, in conclusion, Kirk it is.
7 for life. We'd all be plastered and singing klingon opera by the end of it.
3, 6 or 9, damn, no 7 of 9
I'm hopin' she can sock it to me one more time
Low, get low
Get low, get low
To the viewport
To the bulkhead
'Til sweat drop down my tribbles
All these yeoman crawl
Y’all fleet-fleet, microbrains
Y’all fleet-fleet Q damn
Honestly blown away no one has said 2 yet. That’s primo b plot setup right there.
Nope. Not O'Brien. I wanna watch not be part of it.
If I was told I had to choose between 11 or 2, I'll take 2. I love Boims but I'd end up using him to hit Burnham.
Mother of God, anywhere but 6
That’s the one I’d choose!!!
WTF 10! Why is this a debate?
7 is heaven, sir.
9 or 12 because TNG is the Star Trek series that I’ve seen the most of.
For me it's gotta be 5 or 7.
Those seem like the best pairings where both would make you feel comfortable and accepted no matter how outta your depth you are.
All the other pairings have at least one person who would put me on edge for one reason or another no matter how much I like/repect the character.
5 would feel daunting until the ice is broken, or knowing that Una isn't in a serious mood for me... 7 though whef, yes please! That amazing pike personality, and the fun of Mariner would make it such a wonderful trip.
Wasn't Pike ready to shoot mariner and boimler out the airlock by the end of their little adventure? I think 5 is the only real choice, 12 hours is enough time i feel to move past both of their initial icy walls.
He kinda was, but I saw it more as an exasperated dad than actual dislike.
1 if that is Emperor Georgiou. The shit talking would be nonstop entertainment and I’m all in for that. Well, she might kill me, but that’s not a bad way to get out of a 12 hour shuttle trip.
Edit. Fuck, she might put me in an agonizer when we arrive. Maybe this isn’t the right path. But she is super hot and interesting so maybe still worth.
12 for sure, I just want to be hit on by Riker.
12 is what I want to pick as well, just because I feel like Riker and Kirk are some of the more gregarious characters, and would make for the best conversation, but that would be three relatively burly dudes in one another's space for a pretty long time.
I think ultimately I would have to pick 8.
11 is going to have the most nerding out. I need that in my life, always
2, because then I get to sit between the two most attractive people in the galaxy.
Seat 9. I’d say Picard and Chakotay would be pretty mellow and level-headed unless Chakotay’s feeling extra resentful about Picard’s handling of Marquis/Cardassian Neutral Zone stuff. It’s then insulated from some of the crazier pairs with level-headed duos, or at least balanced duos (e.g Raffi and Spock or Kira and Gwyn). The exception might be Sisko and Kirk, who would either get along quite well or drive each other to the brink of insanity. Either way, (1 assassinated Romulan senator later) I can live with it. Though maybe after the first hour, I’ll have seat 12 to myself after Riker and Kelvin Kirk go to sick bay for competitive chair-sitting-related injuries…😏
12 hours?
8 or 10. Put in my head phones, put on my audiobook, no one's bothering me.
12 would probably be fun, I feel like it would become a friendly competition of story one upmanship.
2, T'Pol and O'Brien would have no difficulty keeping to themselves so it would be a quiet journey, at least if you were in a soundproof cabin with the two.
If this is open area seating you would be able to hear many of the other characters from anywhere you sit, even if you were depressurizing outside the ship, so there's simply no hope until you finish depressurizing at least.
If Spock takes the bait then 10. I feel like I'd learn a lot.
The can; I think the replicator is broken. 🤢