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Best games that can be completed in under ten hours?
  • TrueAchievements says 15-20 hrs. It took me 25 to get them all. HLTB agrees with this time for completionist.

  • Best games that can be completed in under ten hours?
  • Me too! I also highly recommend:

    Gone Home - explore your old home to learn everyone’s secrets

  • Zoo Denies Viral Claims Its Bears Are ‘Humans in Disguise’
  • they are definitely real animals and not people.

    Nothing suspicious about that!

  • Looking for games that will make me cry
  • I was also going to say Brothers. There’s one moment (anyone who has played it probably knows what I’m talking about) that actually gave me a visceral reaction.

  • Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?
  • 11 years. Was using Apollo, now on Voyager! It’s like nothing has changed, except fewer bots.

  • Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?
  • Are you sure you’re not mixing up wolverine with “the wolverine“ (2013, 71%)? Because that one is great. As is Logan.

  • Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?
  • Came here to say that. I looked it up a few months ago and was shocked at how low it was rated!

  • Removed
    Deepfake lip syncs video to edit out profanity, match translation
  • It’s because people can’t read it as fast as people talk. Or, the dub has to match up the mouth movements, but the subtitles don’t.

    I watched a fan-subtitled anime a long time ago, where they literally translated every word. It was like a paragraph of text on each screen, and it was impossible to keep up with.

  • Bigger pictures in the feed
  • You can use in any browser!

  • What is something really stupid you purchased that turned out far better than expected?
  • You can buy a DIY kit for ~$20. Mine work great, though I’ve never gotten professional ones so I can’t compare.

  • Memmy for iOS has hit the App Store
  • Trying it now. Great job!

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I’m dumb or OOTL. What book?

  • TIL of Kevin Budden, who caught a deadly taipan by hand and hitchhiked to town still holding the snake. He lost his grip and was bitten, but bagged the snake and made the driver promise to get it t...
  • Your title gets cut off for me, so:

    While attempting to bag the snake, Budden was bitten on his left thumb but was successful in placing the captured snake in a bag. Extracting a promise from the truck driver that he would get the snake to someone who would transport it south to researchers, Budden was taken for medical treatment. Not having any antivenom for taipans, Budden was given tiger snake antivenom. Although that helped counter the coagulating effect of taipan venom, it did not overcome the second effect of the taipan venom which paralyses the nervous system. Though doctors were initially hopeful he would recover, he died the following afternoon.

  • Tommy_the_Gun Tommy_the_Gun
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