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  • I feel like this trope should be applied to jobs outside of science. Like retail. Retail workers are just as prone to insanity and it's up to us to make that romantic and cool in similar ways. Also science outside of physics, like geology.

  • Dying boy, 15, gets wish: losing virginity [Chicago Sun Times, Dec. 23, 2001]
  • When I worked in a brothel an alarming amount of father's, uncles, brothers etc. would bring in underage boys, or more frequently young men who has just turned 18. Like they thought it would set them up better in life, like finishing college of something. Gender roles are horrible for everyone involved. Support kid getting dying wish but seriously question if maybe things could be better because there's much more to life than sex

  • "I don't trust selfless people" Oh shut the fuck up
  • Actually learned about federations earlier this year from my wife when Reddit banned third party apps and have only been using them since she practically made it mandatory after the election last month

  • "I don't trust selfless people" Oh shut the fuck up
  • Can't see what I wrote initially but I'm sorry. My wife installed the app and subscribed me to the good stuff because she's an angel, I'm still contending with significant disabilities. Didn't mean anything by it personally, sorry.

  • "I don't trust selfless people" Oh shut the fuck up
  • What a horrible little rant. It's almost like living inside a capitalist system especially on the outskirt, causes significant trauma. Almost like being a "good Samaritan" demands that you earn people's trust. Almost like using words like "miserabl, narcissistic, broken fucks" is a clear indicator you're not a safe person. Almost like demanding people assume you're genuine from the get go is depressing, stressful and narcissistic.

  • Hexbear has felt quiet since the struggle session (short rant)
  • Yeah, I was on the revleft forum for a few years and the vibe that eventually caused that forum to collapse (mainly mods and admins taking their contribution and themselves way too seriously) seems rampant here. Who wants to enter a community with such a high level of infighting, it's awkward. Still better than a lot of other spaces but just kinda sad because it could be much better

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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