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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
StLangoustine [any] @ StLangoustine
4 yr. ago

What do you guys think?

There's been a lot of shitflinging on my TL concerning this tweet. Honestly, I'm not sure. Can the "not touching the opposite sex" thing can be just a quaint local tradition or is this necessarily associated with misogyny and patriarchy?

I don't think I've ever known a Muslim like that but in my experience orthodox jews like that are more likely to be misogynistic than not...


What's the easiest way to set up a VPN server?

I have a friend in Russia who loves watching animal videos and those silly video essays on YouTube and now YouTube is blocked in Russia. I have a spare netbook with Linux Mint and I've been trying to set up an OpenVPN server for her using this guide and I've tried a cracked version of OpenVPN Access Server, but I guess this whole thing is above my pay grade – the client on my phone still won't connect.

What the easiest solution to this situation? Should pull the trigger and install Debian because all those easy setup guides are targeted to Debian? Is there is easier alternative to OpenVPN with an android client?

  • The problem here is that it's a fairly diverse community, with some people pushing incredibly out there stuff and more "conservative" elements that try to invalidate the former and out fakers. There is probably a conservative version of the headmate thing many people here would find plausible.

  • Also, from LGBT wiki :

    Rainbowgenic: Rainbowgenic is a term to describe when the core's parents had a previous miscarriage, stillbirth, or death during infancy, and the spirit and/or soul of the previous lost child/children stuck onto the next child. The body is shared between the previous sibling/siblings and the current sibling. This may be protogenic, spirigenic, and/or metagenic

    Some truly powerful stuff.

  • askchapo

    So what's the party line on the whole headmates thing?

    Stumbled on someone decrying TikTok "multiplicity kids" on twitter, but not sure how I feel about this thing and there's no wikipedia article which is usually the limit of my research.

    On one hand DID and OSDD are real things, though some people say it's a culture specific disorder.

    On the other kids having calling themselves "we", claiming to be piloted by Harry Potter characters, real-life serial killer and Minecraft YouTubers seems to silly to not be just good clean fun.

    On the third hand is you told someone thirty years ago about gender spectrum, genderfluidity, xenogenders, bi lesbians, autism spectrum, they'll probably think you're insane. Maybe there is a subclinical version of DID, like Asperger's to autism, so to speak? I dunno...

  • goddamn it why did the fucking Europeans have to find the Incas when they were in the middle of a civil war such awful timing

    Supposedly one of the reasons the civil war happened was because a bunch of Inca including the emperor died of smallpox, so it's not exactly a coincidence.