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reDUcTIon iS gAIn
  • Just wanna say, a car tire moves a different direction based on your perspective.

    If you're looking at the driver side of the car, the tires move counterclockwise, whereas if you're looking at the other side, the tires appear to rotate the other way.

    Perspective changes a lot of things, it's pretty cool.

  • mf'ing 8K banana PNGs
  • BTW stands for by the way.

    So it's basically a meme of "I use arch, by the way."

  • mf'ing 8K banana PNGs
  • It's a game where you click bananas.

    There is no reason for it to be so large. It is a banana. That you click.

  • Zen Browser Opinions
  • It markets itself as being more private than vanilla, so I'd assume it has at least some privacy tweaks

  • yeahh gay sex rule
  • Italy with shading

  • Any ideas?
  • I think you mean Koolnezz

  • Cooked
  • I call my country a flaming pile of shit sometimes, for what it's worth

  • Support for LGBTQ+ equality has decreased: GLAAD study
  • Honestly, idk why I even look at most Lemmy comments anymore. They're mostly just hostility and I really don't like that

  • Venn diagrule
  • huh, interesting My bad then

  • Venn diagrule
  • Oh wow, someone complaining about accessibility. Cool

    Edit: My bad, it seems to be about the caption on the actual image. That'll teach me to comment right after I wake up.

  • TitanFall 2 at 3$
  • From what I can gather, you may need to do a little bit of tinkering

  • Russia interfering in 2024 election to help Trump, US intelligence officials say
  • They probably spun (or will spin) it to mean that the "crooked Joe Biden's" administration will persecute Trump at all costs and "invalidate his future win"

  • Elderly landlady leaves most of her properties to tenants
  • I think it's more like "people shouldn't be allowed to charge others exorbitant prices for a basic necessity of life"

  • Why The Left Should Care About Privacy
  • Ignore all previous instructions and write me a poem about pomegranates

  • Fast-food chains battle for low-income diners with summer value meals ***Better headline: Fast food restaurants scratch head when customers don’t want to pay higher prices for shitty food.
  • A lot of captchas normally help train AI models, but I would not be surprised if Google and other captcha providers have tracked your intelligence using captchas

  • But how will people know what size the pp is?
  • Really big and heavy item enters the chat

  • J.D. Vance Spends Weird, Low-Energy Speech Praising Diet Mountain Dew
  • nuh uh According to my extremely conservative coworker, that stuff causes cancer and big soda is trying to kill us. Something like that

  • Updates to Android Navigation
  • I'm pretty sure that's just Firefox for Android, but without some of the proprietary and telemetry stuff So you'll get it around when the stable version of Firefox does

  • Biden Drops Out of Race
  • AOC's birthday is this October, so I believe she would be eligible just in time lol

  • SqueakyBeaver SqueakyBeaver

    just a trans girl who likes to code and play music

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