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Custom CSS

Is it possible to style communities with custom CSS styles? If not, is this a feature which should be in place?

Sincere's RimWorld Steam Mods SincereFromSteam
New mod idea: Pokemon-like breeding for colonists

I'm considering a new mod which would allow a player to select two colonists then merge them into a new colonist. Still at the initial ideas stage. Any thoughts?

0 plans for mitigating image upload abuse
  • You need to update the site to reflect these changes - I was trying to upload a banner and got the incorrect error "image too large"

    Going from completely open to invite-based is what I'd call overcompensation (you're overestimating how willing people will be to invite)

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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