SebaDC @ SebaDC Posts 0Comments 28Joined 3 wk. ago
True... Although this is Florida... I doubt they can deport every non white. They wouldn't have enough white people to deport that many people /s
These will be a majority of white kids, right? Riiiight?
Ducking dystopia.
With your reasoning, if you can't find anything about a country, it means that there are no problems. Right? So if there was no free press, there wouldn't be any problem?
Your reasoning is messed up. Did I say that Germany is perfect? Nope. There are problems, like in many country.
Just days ago, a farmer opposing the "agricultural lobbies" was murdered. Nothing happened:
A bit more than 1y ago, they uncovered massiv tracking of protestants opposing changes of the retirement age and other social topics. Nothing happened:
Again in France, the antiterrorisme units were used to interrogate and track manifestants to a state projects which was actually illegal. Again, nothing happened:
So seriously, people bashing Germany should get their heads out of their asses and look in any direction. What they will see is much worse pretty much anywhere. Africa? LATAM? SEA? China (lol)? Ruzzia? USA?
To find equivalent or better, you have probably Scandinavia and Switzerland.
Go check other countries... There's much worse than that pretty much everywhere.
In what universe is this specific to Germany? And how does Germany compare to other countries?
Even within the EU, there's more protection than in France, Italy, Spain, Austria (to select comparable countries).
I'm not even talking about Eastern Europe, Africa, Latam, the USA (ahahaha!).
Seriously. Let German bashing to people doing it better 😅
Riiiight. That's why the country has one of the most comprehensive personal data protection.
Troll's gotta troll...
Germany really needs to understand that the USA broke up with them.
It's over. Start the grieving process.
"Maybe I can change them..."
No. You can't.
When I see the quality of LinkedIn lately, I would say: lemmings 🙈
How often do you buy clothes? For me, the most important is that everyday items and expensive items are European: food, softwares, fuel, car, etc.
If I have to buy once something <100€ and have to buy from the USA, especially a company who did not do a 180° turn in the last 2 months, I would be ok.
But that's just me.
We need a Lemmy-LinkedIn...
Ta ta ta... Only if you say the right things..
It may have had a sense when every EU country was at an outer border... But today, it makes no sense and overloads the weakest members (Southern and Eastern states).
This was a thing. Then, some brokers started to put a max limit to the ask price, cancelling orders, etc.
I still have 10-share orders at 1k, 10k, 100k just for kicks 😂
As soon as the shit hit the fan, they will switch in drives 😂
Or surfing the wave... Which is also incredibly stupid...
LVMH belongs to a strong supporter of Le Front National. Avoid all of their products as a general rule...
I'm glad I visited the USA in the past 🙈
But this is not malpractice. These are murders...
Les forêts publiques (pex forêt domaniale de Fontainebleau) sont aussi victimes...
Plus, concrete is super dirty to produce and actually not so dense.