Scribble902 @ Scribble902 Posts 0Comments 7Joined 6 mo. ago
Yeah, does kinda sound like it would benefit bots over people.
I've had a thought just now, hear me out cause it could have holes but if someone can expand upon it it could be a start. Instead of up/down vote (or any kind of approval or disapproval) perhaps just an exclamation mark (so could be bad or good, either way it doesn't matter it got their attention).
Then, any post a user exclaimed is put in that user's list of exclaimed things. unsure if this should be visible to just that user or not, but to start let's say it's private. Even if it's private, when a post is exclaimed and the user has been active say in the last 12 hours this bumps up the post's popularity. If a user that exclaimed a post stops being active after those 12 hours it drops the popularity of the post (ie for that users exclamation to continue to bump up yeh post popularity they just need to launch into a lemmy app again). The same can be achieved if the user goes to their list and remove the exclamation or if they simply delete their account (or it is deleted or blocked for example if the user was a bot either by an admin, automated bot detection or the bot creator themselves).
Perhaps based on a posts age (say it was months ago) some kind of permenant number of exclamation marks (locked in number) could come into play, but when things are fresh and relevant it might help.
Although I'm not 100% ok with some of the things they do. I agree with you and I enjoy their games. I think the things most people complain about that Nintendo do pales in comparison to so many other games companies it's not worth my breath. I'm here still having a nice time playing TotK or Advance Wars Reboot camp etc!
Wow, this has made my day! Their games have some of the best music!
I'd totally sign....if the Russian funded tory party hadn't decided we should leave because they were scared of the far right taking votes.
1 bump 😂, on the assumption this is satire despite no /s.
I was thinking physical mail too. But I think It definitely would require some sort of system that is either third party or government backed that annonomyses you like how the covid Bluetooth tracing system worked (stupidly called track and trace in the UK). Plus you'd have to interact with someone at a postal office to legitimise it. But I'm talking, just a worker at a counter.
So you'd get a one time unique annonomysed postal address. You go to a post office and hand your letter over to someone. You, and perhaps they, will not know the address, but the system will. Maybe a process which re-envelopes the letter down the line into a letter with the real address on.
This way, you've kept the server owner private and you've had to involve some form of person to person interaction meaning, not a bot!
This system could be used for all sorts of verification other than for socal media so may have enough incentive for governments/3rd partys to set up to use beyond that.
Could it be abused though and if how are there solutions to mitigate them?
My gf says 10/10 tippy taps