Rich_Benzina @ Rich_Benzina 帖子 2评论 10加入于 2 wk. ago

For Italy i'd say withoht a doubt Romanzo Criminale for the shows. (dk how it's called in english maybe Criminal Novel?). It's really something else how cool is that serie. For the movies i'd say the "dollar trilogy" from Sergio Leone is a must. "The great beauty" is absolutely stunning (won an oscar if i remeber correctly) I would add some classics like 'il medico della mutua" from Alberto Sordi and many others of his films are considered classics. Maybe not a common suggestion but i absolutely love the first "Vacanze di Natale" which created an entire series of sequels (vacanze di natale 2000, natale in india ecc) and a whole genre in Italy called Cinepanettoni, which are comedies (generally funny for a boomer-like sense of humor) coming out near christmas. I found the original much funnier than the others, even after all these years, and it's also a funny and quite spot on representations of the stereotypes of the italian man in the '80s. I might be biased cause i love that time period and since i didn't lived it i love to watch somethings that can "bring me back". Last i should mention Rose Island which is an amazing film for a cool real world story, link to the wikipedia article which i could say contains some spoilers haha. I'm sorry if i didn't provide all the english translations for the titles,and i'm also not sure all of these are dubbed in english or your native language. Hope you can enjoy some of these :)
kindness will save the world <3 (also im stunning ;P )
yeah, i'll absolutely check that site, seems to have a ton of good information. i'll probably skip the deadlift regardless cause i've never done it and without help im afraid i'll do it the wrong way and injure myself. but people gave me a lot of good suggestions and exercises and a whole site to look at :) i'll try to gain as much as info as possibile to not end up in a wheelchair and look good this summer at the beach ;)
thanks a lot, definitely i'll check it out :) guess i'll have to ditch my dream of big pecs haha
thank you very much, appreciate your suggestions :) regarding the deadlift i think i'll have to skip it since i've never done it and without somebody experienced the risk of injuries is high. i'll stick to the isolations exercise you recommended. my old routine was on 4 days with leg day, then chest and triceps, then back shoulders and biceps and last day a full body. this time ill go 3 times a week so i think i'll evenly spread the exercises on each day with a focus for back day. i'll try and see how i feel with the recovery. again, thank you very much for the precious help :)
Of course, i always try to sit as much straight as i can haha
Is this for real? Sorry i cant get if its true or not or how it can be related haha
Thank you very much! Do you suggest to include some of these excercise in another day other than back day to put the muscles under more stress or once a week is enough? Considered i probably cant do all the exercises you suggested in one day and i'll have to choose.
What exercises should i do at the gym to correct winged scapula and rounded shoulders?
You're right, also i think it normalised the will to skip human interactions. Yeah i get sometime the retail workers can be a bit annoying but it's normal and healthy to interact with other human beings and we shouldn't convice ourselfed that we can lock us behind a screen to avoid it.
the experience is not even comparable. i see a lot of people buying clothes online without much of a fuss but for me it's difficult to comprehend. like ok you buy without knowing if its your size just because you can send it back and change it? you risk needing send it back and wait days and days just to save a few euros?(and not in all cases) its not even convenient at this point. the thing that keep sites like amazon big is that on some products, especially electronics, their prices are hard to beat for a small business or even a big one that has physical stores. also people dont even bother anymore to go out and see if the product they need is sold by some shops in town, they go straight to amazon or some shit because they automatically assume it will be cheaper and i guess they became addicted to the dopamine of receiving the package you were waiting for. i always tend to cheap out on electronics and the prices of amazon always had an edge over physical store. but since i started buying used or refurbished there is no way i go back. for my chromebook i used mediaworld refurbished and got a good deal. sadly for things like clothes my city lacks in second hands shops so for now im stuck with vinted but its a step at the time i guess. wish we can go back when you used internet just to buy very niche things. (and also learn to buy used more)