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Dragon Age Creator Slams "Woke" Criticism: "You're an Idiot"
  • Game not selling well? Find a tweet from a nobody talking about your shitty game being "woke." Sensationalize it, position yourself as a bastion fighting against the hordes, imply that only by purchasing the failing game can the average liberal "fight back."


  • Columbia University updates guidelines: 'Zionist' as a pejorative classified as harassment
  • The result is a mix of honest “Zionism motivates human rights abuse against Palestinians” statements, and dishonest “Zionists control the world” statements.

    Zionists don't control the wold, but they certainly have a lot of sway in places they shouldn't, like the US Government, and apparently multiple Public Universities community guidelines.

  • There is no Black Friday - Brett Scott on cultural malware
  • As unnecessary consumption is one of the roots of suffering in our world, yea. I don't like sales culture. You don't need any "good deals" in your life, it's not going to make you happy. And your Pavlovian response to a fictitious holiday is the theme of the article.

  • There is no Black Friday - Brett Scott on cultural malware
  • Only sheeple shop on Black Friday. An astute and correct observation.

    Note the author doesn't use the word sheeple, but "black-friday" and "cyber-monday" he argues are top-down orders to the masses to consume, and he is absolutely correct.

  • Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops
  • I've long held that my phone is a single point of failure and that I should be able to function without it. So I don't do banking on my phone, I still carry a wallet even if I do have Apple Pay and I will certainly carry physical identification until I'm legally unable to.

  • Trump has No Solutions for Black America
  • Astute readers might also note that the concept of a "solution" for black america is neatly addressed by addressing the decline of material conditions that has been caused by the introduction of means-testing social policies since the conclusion of ww2.

    Of course Harris has no solution, or even an understanding of how those things could ever be related.

  • Square!
  • A square is a regular polygon* with 4 sides.

    *Regular Polygon A polygon which is both equiangular and equilateral (i.e. having all sides the same length and all interior angles the same).

    Note that this doesn't preclude the existence of a square with curved sides if projected upon a sphere. But when discussing common geometry the assumption is that we are working within a single plane. If you wish to work in non-planar geometry, that must be explicitly called out in the diagram.

  • Ventoy source code contains some unknown BLOBs, still no word on the issue from the dev after months
  • I don't know about the history of the project, but it sounds like those blobs have been there for quite some time. When in reality, the PR that added the blobs in the first place shouldn't ever have been approved.

    Actually just checked 3+ years.

  • Ventoy source code contains some unknown BLOBs, still no word on the issue from the dev after months
  • This isn't a knock against opensource programming, but there shouldn't ever be precompiled blobs in the repo unless they are the official builds for the various OS's and if you want to build from source, the pre-compiled blobs shouldn't be part of that, otherwise you can't really claim you are opensource.

  • Ventoy source code contains some unknown BLOBs, still no word on the issue from the dev after months
  • Hey guys open source is great you can look at all the code and therefore there are no security backdoors etc. Also here are a bunch of pre-compiled blobs in the repo, don't worry about those, but they are required to run the program.

  • There is a way out of the climate crisis – but it is not through COP There is a way out of the climate crisis – but it is not through COP

    The world’s top climate summit is a hoax, and it can’t help us.

    There is a way out of the climate crisis – but it is not through COP

    A pretty standard pro-environmental piece, however I do appreciate how it calls out the "German Green Party," which is obviously just an astro-turfed political party funded by the coal industry.

    And of course the criticism of about the farce of Carbon Capture is spot-on.

    United States | News & Politics PowerCrazy
    Why Senate Dems are prepared to swallow a border policy compromise Why Senate Dems are prepared to swallow a border policy compromise

    In addition to helping embattled US allies, Senate Dems believe changes could help cool border politics in battleground states ahead of 2024.

    Why Senate Dems are prepared to swallow a border policy compromise

    >A growing number of Senate Democrats appear open to making it harder for migrants to seek asylum in order to secure Republican support for aiding Ukraine and Israel.

    This is what the democrats stand for. Unlimited funding for the MIC and border-control, but social issues are not a priority.

    Stop voting for the parties of Capital.

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