I have sort of a love hate relationship with this series. I've played most of the games, but think that they went the wrong way and that the management and directors just can't fulfill the potential of this series.
AC1 Great idea and for the time it was actually something new and different. The setting was wholly fresh and the story telling was leading to something and had a payoff that worked really well. It was also a clunky game đ
AC2 Absolutely loved it. This was the game that made me fall in love with the series. Great setting, again very original and fresh. Great set of characters. Story was interesting and Ezios was actually executed good, but the modern day parts were underdeveloped and had no pay off. The ending was very bad, because it didn't make sense and was not explained in the game, but rather in some doc in one of the following games. Stupid. Had shock value though.
AC Brotherhood + Revelations Both good games that didn't really change Much of the formula. I liked the bombs in R. Revelations had a great ending for Ezio and be But again underdeveloped modern day which lead nowhere.
AC3 Very interesting story and a strong conflict at its core. Actually this was where I wanted the series to go. Unfortunately the rest was not so good as the main Protagonist was less appealing than the villain. Was most disappointed with the main protag honestly. Setting was not fresh nor original. Didn't really fit in with the Parcours. Introduced the ship battles! Absolutely botched the modern day and gave up on it altogether. Disappointing in the end.
AC Black flag Great setting, boring characters, boring Story. But the ship battles were fantastic! Really liked this one!
AC Unity Great art direction! Likeable characters. Tragic, but that's whatiI like about this series, it's not always a happy ending. Can't even remember the story.
AC Syndicate Horrible. I liked the main twin pair. But the story is forgettable, the setting is okay and beautiful. The controls with the hook was horrid and didn't work reliably.
AC Origins Fresh gameplay! Finally! Really liked this one as it had great setting, likeable characters and new stuff to do. Story was okay. I kinda rushed though, because I played it on one is the free weekend events.
AC Odyssey Same as Origins. Less original, but still good. Less interesting characters. Didn't finish it.
Didn't bother with Viking.
The new shadow one looks interesting. But before I play that, I want to try Ghost of Tsushima.
NatĂŒrliche Reaktion von Rechten immer: AuslĂ€nder raus! Und die Medien ĂŒbernehmen es sofort... Ich kotze.
Stimmt. In diesem Artikel wird zumindest darauf eingegangen, dass die Zahl der Verweigerer deutlich niedriger ist als von der cdu insinuiert. Diese Einordnung machen aber nicht alle Medien und so wird die verdrehte Aussage der cdu verbreitet. Der WĂ€hler kann die Einordnung nicht unbedingt selbst tĂ€tigen und der wird dann empfĂ€nglich fĂŒr die perfiden Gedanken der cdu. Traurig
Either a new IP would be cool or Baten Kaitos 3.