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What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?
  • It’s good that OP means well, but also there are so many of us who do not care and are not affected because we know the speaker is using a generalized term and isn’t (usually) being malicious with it. I call several of my cisgender girl friends “dude” and “bro” and I’ll call men “girl” as a joke sometimes (like, girl what are you doing?). Many of these terms simply have completely lost their original gendered meaning in a lot of contexts.

  • What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?
  • I’m AFAB enby, saying “you guys” and calling me “dude” is fine. Those to me aren’t gendered anymore. The people who get offended at general terms like these for groups of people need to touch grass.

    But if you’re dead set on it, embrace y’all lol. Just don’t say it with a southern drawl and you’ll be fine. It’s a fantastic gender neutral term. You can also just train yourself not to add in the “you guys” to the “what’s up” phrase, and maybe just say “what’s up with you?” “What’s up with you all?” Etc.

  • Good chair that is *affordable* ?

    The other day someone asked this and everyone recommended a $1,400 chair. I can’t afford that, I can’t even dream of affording that. I’m looking for something with good lumbar support for ideally under $400 tops. Does anyone have any ideas?

    And Inb4 someone says “buy one used / second hand” I looked and they’re still pretty pricey. My current chair is falling apart so I need to do something soon.

    Where have you witnessed Scrum being used outside of the IT industry?
  • See I work in imaging and it’s mostly pointless for us. Maybe if I did nursing I could see the benefits. We even have procedures but I can see all that information in Epic. I genuinely do see some benefits to it but I think it gets overdone with meetings etc.

    It also doesn’t help that at huddle they talk about things that don’t relate to me really. I don’t care about hospital census or the three day metric they just started using for appointments. Most of it just doesn’t apply to me, and doesn’t help me to do my job. Like oh goodie there’s 30 people here with COVID, nice! That doesn’t help me at all with me 09:00 patient.

  • Where have you witnessed Scrum being used outside of the IT industry?
  • Any time I’ve heard of Scrum being implemented, it’s usually a negative thing. I’ve had a few friends where their workplace tries it, and the smart ones usually drop it. The others just lose people instead. Biggest complaint I’ve seen is the daily meetings that 110% could have been an email. I think it just doesn’t get applied “correctly”.

    Why we don’t see it elsewhere is it’s not really applicable elsewhere in a lot of ways. I work in healthcare and I do not know how that would be implemented into my job. It’s not like we have team goals or projects even, we’re just out here scanning patient’s and processing their images. I’m sure management has goals but we're so short staffed that I don’t pay any attention to it. I’ve got more important things to worry about than patient satisfaction scores or how many open appointments we have.

  • Experiences with packing?
  • I’m not FtM but some of my friends are and they said just practice at home and get comfortable with it at home before wearing it out. My one friend said he practiced with it in the shower 😅

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • I obviously do not belong here, as my ideals do not align with yours. Is this not preferable for you, the person who actually comes here to discuss veganism, etc, that someone like me with widely different opinions stay in my own lane? I genuinely didn’t realize I was in the vegan sub. I’m still learning how to navigate this site.

    It’s not that I’m not down for critical thinking or even arguing opposing viewpoints, that’s not it. It’s just that genuinely I think y’all’s arguments are… you act like I don’t want animals to have good lives or something purely because I know they are not my equal. A dog ≠ a human. To me, it’s odd you would think that. Be offended, I don’t care. One of us has a grasp on reality and bucko is isn’t you.

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • I’m not a troll, I’m just baffled over how y’all think of pet owners, and how out of touch and tone deaf nearly everyone has been. I genuinely didn’t realize I was on the vegan sub, which should explain some of these exceptionally strange borderline soup-for-brains zero critical thinking involved takes are coming from. I’m going to do myself a favor (and you, so I never accidentally comment here again) and block this sub.

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