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The mark
  • Nice profile picture!

  • fwiends
  • Don't shave /jk

  • ChatMD
  • "Already the case"?? How?

  • I knew it
  • Nice profile picture!

  • I knew it
  • This is how your comment appears to me:

  • I knew it
  • He is thale hacker!

  • AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs
  • While a new one has started!

  • Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second
  • Theoretically I could display highly illegal stuff and they would distribute it making them complicit?

    But would you really want to?

  • rule
  • You hate or you're the one getting hate?

  • I do actually
  • 👀

  • ‘COFFEE’ [OC]
  • This was funny! Have my appreciation upvote!

  • I do actually
  • But I like piling up notifications! I'm close to reach 200 of them! 😋

  • Anarchist rule
  • Would

  • my two moods
  • The "you are beautiful" sticker! I like this project,


    but unfortunately the portuguese sticker was translated using an earlier Google Translate, so it's not gender neutral and it sounds like firting. ☹️

  • All Proton Drive apps are now open source
  • Why not having a L2 maybe a L3? People from the US should feel like they're missing out in our modern world!

  • All Proton Drive apps are now open source
  • It's a VPN! What did you expected? /hj

  • It's coming! :(
  • Pretty ironic, considering the project's name (Ladybird).

  • The Signal
  • Me too, but as a reference in one of Andy Griffith`s books that I forgot its name in english.

  • It's coming! :(
  • Doesn't it has some political issues?

  • It's coming! :(
  • In my opinion, I see it as they making misleading advertising, collexting data and supposedly sending it to the CCP, and having a generaly bloated browser.

  • Pause app option isn't available on launchers

    I know the title may sound a bit misleading, but this is my situation: I'm interested in using a custom launcher on my device, but the problem is that there's this option to "Pause app" that I want to use to prevent some apps from using my battery or getting my location or something, but I can't do that on custom launchers (for obvious reasons). Does this thing actually works or there isn't any actual difference?

    Social media has become just a large engagement farm.

    (Fisrt time posting on Lemmy, please be patient)

    I don't know if it was also like this before, but I feel like recently every social media is focused on getting comments, likes, views, people sharing your post, being popular, when the before that (late 199X- mid 201x) was more about being unique and just sharing your own creations and remixes. What makes me feel like this is that whenever I (rarely) open Twitter and go to the homepage most of the posts are something baiting the viewer into commenting or sharing. When your post doesn't has many interactions or views, you're deemed as "a failure". It seems like the (anti)social media is empty with baits and overshared memes. Long gone were the days of being original without having to directly copy someone to have validation and recognition.

    P4ulin_Kbana P4ulin_Kbana

    [BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.

    Nota: qualquer semelhança com figuras ou eventos reais é mera coincidência.

    Posts 2
    Comments 365