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Black Teenager Sentenced to Life Without Possibility of Parole After Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels
  • Thank you. This is not the kind of thing I thought I'd be having trouble telling truth from fiction about in 2025.

  • Black Teenager Sentenced to Life Without Possibility of Parole After Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels
  • “The nature of your crimes and abuse of power displayed in covering them up represents an unforgivable betrayal of the public trust and indicates a total impossibility of reform,” declared Merchan during the sentencing. “It has been proven beyond doubt that you offered Ms. Daniels $40 and some Burger King to keep your tryst ‘on the DL,’ so as not to jeopardize your chances of a shift supervisor promotion and $2 per hour raise at an Amazon warehouse. It is my hope that this sentencing will show the American people that such a lack of ethics will not be tolerated in the lower-mid echelons of our nation’s great privatized shipping and receiving companies, may God have mercy on your soul.”

    Is this a parody site? There is no way this kid is going to prison for life over 40 bucks and some burger king.

  • Patience is a virtue
  • Thank you for the reading list! I'll take a gander :)

  • Patience is a virtue
  • Okedoke, well I just learned that I have no concrete grasp of political labels and need to do a LOT of research.

  • Laundry_irl (Art by ShepGoesBlep)
  • I don't know a single person in my generation who isn't on some gradient.

  • Laundry_irl (Art by ShepGoesBlep)
  • Just had to draw them all sexy-like.

    shakes fist at sky

  • Romance
  • furiously takes notes

  • *agressively keeps pressing 0*
  • Ah yes, the "wait for x turns and then throw a rook back in time" game. Jurrasic Rook.

    Or my favorite, "I won? How? Oh, my queen just check-mated them 3 parralel worlds over and 7 turns ago"

  • Anon goes to therapy
  • In fact, the whole point of working is to be useful to society! Unless you're not part of society, then the whole point is to survive but that's dangerously close to opening a whole other can of worms.

  • Ancient wisdom
  • That's a fun question!

    But there is that pesky "good" and "evil"! "wrong" and "right" are the same thing.

    Isn't it evil of the Abrahamic God to ask humans to do good if good is subjective anyway? Well, yes xD

  • Ancient wisdom
  • I know this is a circle-jerk meme, but I'mma pitch my two cents anyway.

    If we are talking about the Abrahamic god... "he" is both good and evil. So no; to be omnipotent one must also be responsible for evil. Kinda duh.

    I could go on, but that right there is pretty much all that needs to be said regarding that god in particular. Good and Evil are man-made concepts, and subjective as all hell.

  • Thanks mom, I don't want any
  • "This is what happens when you lobotomize half the women, and put the other half on qualudes", my partner xD

  • Literally carrying us on their backs
  • This was by far the most fun thing I've read all day. I'm sharing this with my fam lol

  • Big mad Elon after he exposed his alt account
  • True for most people, unfortunately </3

  • Big mad Elon after he exposed his alt account
  • Fine, I'll do it. Elon Musk is retarded. Not autistic, though if he is on the spectrum that has nothing to do with it.

    The guy is fucking slow. He's the stupidest "smart" person. He may be brilliant at making money, but holy fuck does this guy hang out in the shallow end of the intellectual pool.

    I've met birds with a better understanding of cause and effect.

  • Like yin and yang
  • Really really hot lmao.

    I believe in you!

  • Does Organ Scarring Heal On Its Own?
  • Yeah I'm one of the 30% of Americans who are too poor to have a doctor xD

    I'll see if I can get a consultation lol

  • Does Organ Scarring Heal On Its Own?
  • Oof, alright. I guess I better go see a doctor :/

  • How can someone who was groomed as a child unlearn the lies and grow in their thirties?
  • I don't know what your experience was like, I want to make it clear that how I handled my stuff def wouldn't work for everyone.

    For me, I found that it was hard to find a healthy relationship because I was attracted to and attracted abusers. It took me going open poly and having a lot of casual, relaxed, and actually intimate encounters with people to over-ride my insecurity and lack of self-worth. I was in an open poly relationship with two wonderful people for about 4 years, and had casual fleeting relationships with people throughout.

    I learned how to set boundaries. I learned the language I needed to express those boundaries. I learned how to communicate my needs, and how to process experiences in a healthy way. I learned that there are no perfect people; that everyone has damage.

    I also started doing "the work" by Dr. Robert Gibson. Its a series of 48 tapes that guide you through a process of introspection, so that you can face the hard stuff and move forward. It can be scary to look inward, and a lot of people avoid doing so and throw themselves into distractions. I did that for years, and I still struggle with it sometimes. If you look for the tapes, I warn you that they are framed in a pseudo-spiritual fashion, if that happens to be triggering.

    At some point, I got to a place where I could identify what I wanted in a relationship. What I needed, even. I went out and found it, and am now engaged another four years later.

    I genuinely hope you find a way through that works for you. Big hugs <3

  • Does Organ Scarring Heal On Its Own?

    I had chagas as a kid, and it wreaked havoc on my body. One doc pointed out I probably had some organ scarring. That was over ten years ago. So, as the title, do I need to be on my toes as I get older?

    Omnipitaph Omnipitaph

    Do a little dance, he said.

    Get down tonight, he said.

    What he didn't say, was an electron has both mass and spin yet has no definite location.

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