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What’s the craziest or most outrageous (maybe even NSFW) incident that led to someone being fired from your workplace?
  • I was the manager overseeing this facility at the time. We had just hired this guy a few weeks ago and he kept coming in late by about 15-20 minutes. His supervisor came to me to talk about it and ask what we should do. I knew that he rode the train to come in so I wanted to have some leniency on him and not just kick him to the curb right off the bat.

    So I told his supervisor to push back his shift by 30 minutes. That should give him enough time to make it in on time.

    He accepted the new time shift. But the very first day of him starting this new schedule, he was 15 minutes late again. I wanted to have some compassion and give him another chance. For the next two days, he did the same of coming in 15-20 minutes late.

    He was still on probation at this point, so we didn’t really have anything to keep him here or any con of letting him go. It seemed obvious that we had to let him go. This was my first time terminating someone.

    They handed me the exit papers for him to sign and also for me to deliver the news to him so I did. While he was signing the papers, he asked me if he could have another chance. To be truthful, I thought about it in my head for a very quick millisecond but said that we couldn’t. He was pretty cool about the whole thing though. I wished him luck in his next position and he left not making much of a scene.

    Bonus story and definitely more crazy; sorry, just remembered it after typing the first story.

    At the same facility, there was a janitor who had been there for probably 20+ years and he did a pretty good job and was friendly.

    Though one day, his supervisor and my assistant approached me to have a meeting about him about something that happened.

    Apparently he had made a really inappropriate sexual comment and gesture to one of the women who also worked there, though no actual physical touch was made. I was pretty upset about it and had him suspended for the rest of the day while I tried to figure out what we should do. I knew this was something that could get out of hand and needed to get HR and my boss, the owner of the company, involved.

    I remember also meeting with the woman involved and asking her how she felt I should deal with the situation. Not really asking her to make the decision, just wanted to know what she felt would be fair as the victim in the situation. She said she didn’t want to be near him anymore and I completely understood and agreed.

    Quite honestly, I wanted him gone. I don’t feel we should tolerate that kind of behavior. Though, my boss didn’t agree with me that he should be terminated. I can’t remember the reason why, or if he even gave me a reason, but I felt really disgusted over it. But he did suggest we suspend him without pay for 1 full week which we did.

    But I couldn’t override his decision to terminate the guy, I did my best to keep him separated from any women who worked there. Sure, boss says I can’t fire you, but I won’t allow you to victimize anyone else while you’re here. We’ll schedule you to work away from others and only in areas when they’re vacant now. Thankfully everyone rotated so it was common for areas to be vacant for periods of time that he could clean without interacting with anyone anymore.

    Though, things actually got worse with him. Someone went into one of the bathrooms after he had cleaned there and found an open can of beer on the floor. His supervisor said he smelled of alcohol but when I met with him, I didn’t smell anything and denied drinking on the job. He might have cleaned up before coming to see me, but I didn’t have much proof except hearsay. We also didn’t have direct proof it was his beer on the floor. Just very coincidental suspicions. I remember going behind the building one day and I found a pile of bricks stacked up on each other like 7 bricks high. Inside of the bricks was full of crushed beer cans. This was an area only he really ventured in so I knew it had to be him. Though I couldn’t exactly prove it so nothing I could do about it at that moment.

    But coincidentally, around the time this was all happening, something Trump had done recently had tightened immigration so much so that we were required to have all employees provide proof on an official government document of their legal status in the country. Whether that be a state ID, passport, or green card.

    Wouldn’t you know that this same janitor was illegally in the country and couldn’t provide any documents? I don’t remember the full story, except whatever document he had was now expired and has been for some time and wasn’t exactly easy to just get renewed. I didn’t call up any agency to come take him away, but I did take full advantage of the situation to finally get him out of my building. I met with him in private and was very apologetic that it was out of our hands, that we had to let him go since he couldn’t prove his legal status in the country and the government was forcing us to not allow him to remain in employment with us :( so sowwy.

    Honestly…the whole manager position was an experience and I’m glad to have had it so I can safely say I do not ever want to be a manager ever again in my life. I dealt with a lot of bullshit and was starting to feel suicidal over some of the bullshit I was dealing with. I was so glad when I had a new job lined up and the company was folding at the same time I was leaving.

  • Steam will let you sue Valve now
  • Most of these seem to just put most of the money into corporations run by lawyers, so that doesn’t make much sense. Transferring money from one corp to the next.

    Millions going to the lawyers and pennies going to the actual victims of the suit.

  • Assassin's Creed Shadows and Star Wars Outlaws head to Steam as Ubisoft return to same-day releases
  • But they still require Uplay or whatever the fuck they’re calling that shitty Steam knock-off, aren’t they? So what’s the point? You can already add non-Steam games into your Steam library.

    Ubisoft needs to get rid of that ugly piece of shit app they keep trying to shove down everyone’s throats and let Steam be the end all be all launcher if they want us to use a launcher. Either I buy off your storefront and just use your shitty launcher or I buy off my preferred launcher and never have to touch your shitty launcher at all. Or, better yet, I buy the fucking game and don’t have to use any launcher!

    The only benefits I get from this is having a cleaner layout in Steam to see what I’m interested in and the ability to have better customer service through Valve than going through Ubisoft when I have an issue. Other than that, this is stupid and Ubisoft isn’t even doing the bare minimum yet again.

    Go back to letting Steam do all the work for you post release and you just focus on making the damn game, Ubisoft.

  • LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers
  • Glad I’ve kept mine offline all this time. Also have a PiHole that I hope would stop this shit too.

    I got enough of it from Samsung.

    For the amount of money I paid for these TVs, I should get a discount if you’re going to shove some ads down my throat. Especially when most of them are irrelevant to my interests.

  • Does anyone actually use the windows key on their keyboard as intended by the OS?
  • Win key + V in Windows 10/11 is a must if you copy and paste often.

    It shows your clipboard history which is great.

    Only downside is passwords and you copy from a password manager, for example. Be careful if sharing your screen with others or surrounded by others or just cautious of the fact that the password is there in plain text to anything in the OS.

    Not many people seem to know about it but it’s extremely helpful especially when doing repetitive tasks.

  • [USA] How can sales tax brackets affect purchasing behavior when prices are pre-tax?
  • No, I’m saying that a business has something to gain in not showing customers the actual price because it can be a detriment to their profits if the customer has the full information at their disposal before making a purchase.

    I’m not at all in favor of this, because this hurts me as a customer. I’m just saying this may be part of a reason for businesses to not show the actual price to the customer.

  • Deleted
    [Serious] How do I live a life without getting involved with politicians, underworld, elite and the law enforcement?
  • Get shipwrecked on an island. This has been a fantasy of mine. Granted, I have access to the ability to have fresh water and tools to upkeep my life safely and sustainably.

    Though, the “underworld” could get involved in the form of pirates if close enough to a land and seen by the open ocean. Governments could get involved by claiming the island for themselves whether it be because you’re still a citizen or it’s in their jurisdiction or they’re just tyrannical assholes.

  • [USA] How can sales tax brackets affect purchasing behavior when prices are pre-tax?
  • I think part of it (not a big part, but part) is that taxes differ so greatly in the US because of so many governments’ hands in the pots that it would discourage business in one town and have everyone flocking to a nearby town with less taxes.

    As it is, you pay what you pay and don’t really realize the difference unless you take time to notice. I’ve only become aware of it because I realized how different my usual order at McDonald’s will differ when I’m in different cities.

    In one city, my Big Mac meal will be $10.62 but in the next, it’ll be $9.35 because the taxes differ depending on where you are buying this with local city, county, and state.

    If McDonald’s in Everytown, Maine showed their actual Big Mac meal price of $10.62 but the next city over in Somewhere, New Hampshire showed their Big Mac meal price at $9.35, more people would drive a little further to Somewhere for the obviously cheaper price with Everytown McDonald’s locations would suffer.

  • Forget the games: Halo raked in a whopping $1.8 billion from merchandise alone
  • That’s part of the problem. Not blaming fans of the series for buying merch, but Microsoft sees no issue with the way 343 is mismanaging one of their biggest gaming franchises because they’re still racking in money from the merch.

    But this should signal to them that change is needed because fans are probably buying merch for the old stuff and they could capitalize on that with newer, better games that return to the old roots.

  • What are some video games you avoid?
  • Anything from Ubisoft. I’ll still consider an EA game. It’s that fucking bad the garbage that Ubisoft puts out and the shitty practices they hold towards the people who have been fans forever and monetarily supporting them.

    Fuck them.

  • People who hate fat people disguise their hate as science.
  • Poeple should show the science of being fat and point out the bad effects of it has on body, but they should not show the science on a living human to mock him, the purpose should be education for the the uneducated not mocking with the shield of science.

    Not that I’m condoning making fun of people who are overweight (I am overweight, after all but currently working on it) but this is done in some cases and it’s still seen as a form of mockery to many people today. It’s getting to the point of doctors not feeling comfortable being able to tell someone that what’s happening in their body is harmful to their health and they need to reconsider their current lifestyle.

    Which I think the body positive movement has been good in terms of getting away from the jokes and mockery but at the same time has been a detriment to many people in making them think that there’s nothing wrong and they can and should continue on the path they’re going down. Even going as extreme as to say that doctors, health professionals, and family and friends who genuinely care and are not being disrespectful are actually mocking them just for pointing out an unhealthy lifestyle. Not everyone in the body positive movement is this way, but I see what I want to believe is a very vocal minority of people who are trying to shift things in that direction in this movement.

    When you think about it, honestly, we’re probably in a better place than we were a few decades ago in terms of the mockery and jokes at someone’s weight. The movies and TV shows of the 80’s and 2000’s were often filled with these jokes and it was common place in general in society. Seemed like every TV show had a dedicated “fat person” who had fat jokes about their weight and overeating, or at least was centered around this like The King of Queens (which I love, by the way, but the fat jokes at Doug can get repetitive after a while). Speaking anecdotally, I remember kids getting made fun of for being fat growing up in those decades, but even though I’m not young in this current generation, judging based off of popular social media, it seems like they don’t condone that anymore among themselves like previous generations had. Our entertainment doesn’t seem to have these as jokes any longer. I’m sure they exist in some specific shows and movies, and the ones that immediately come to mind seem to be ones that were from those times (Simpsons, Family Guy) but just not as prevalent as they once were which seems an indication of a change in society as well.

    All in all to say, I agree that mocking people for their weight is horrible and often actually does the inverse of making those same people turn towards more overeating in depression over their constant treatment, but things seem to be getting better, while at the same time, we may be crossing from one unhealthy extreme into another on the polar opposite and should be careful about that. Careful not to go from the extreme of making fun of people who are overweight to the extreme of accepting it so much so that we don’t take time to allow people to provide actual constructive criticism to someone who is going down a dangerous path.

  • ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy
  • There would be no more internet access for anyone anymore if that were allowed.

    Soooo many insecure networks out there ripe for the picking if you know what you’re doing and have the tools available. And the tools are often free, not costing any money. From there, those networks are the places people will go to commit their “piracy”.

    And what exactly is piracy? If I purchase an album on iTunes but choose to download it on ThePirateBay, is that really piracy? Because I have done that when the music THAT I FUCKING PAID FOR is no longer available for me to download off of iTunes and Apple won’t give me a refund for said music purchase. People do it for games that include shitty DRM and don’t allow them to easily install on another device like Linux too.

  • Why is UI design backsliding?
  • It seems easier to find things for users. Probably part of dumbing things down.

    My mom went through this last week with Libre Office. She said she couldn’t find anything because the ribbons from Word weren’t there. I found the option and enabled it and she said that was much better.

    Whereas, I use Word 365 on a daily basis but I still know where things are from the classic menus.

    But users want big pictures and less words, less menus.

    So UI designers have done that.

    You see that in the change between Windows 7 and Windows 8 in heavy ways. More buttons and less menus.

    I fucking hate the dumbing down, especially on servers.

  • Reddit is DOWN for thousands of users
  • I was looking something up and of course Reddit came up but kept telling me “YOU BROKE REDDIT”.

    What a shitty way to express an issue that your site is causing for users. Just go ahead and blame the users. That’s great for noobs who don’t know anything and will legitimately think they did something wrong on their end.

  • Where do most of the famous musicians keep their musical instruments?

    Talking about those artists who are world famous and always have their treasured instrument(s) like Willie Nelson and his “Trigger” guitar.

    Where do these artists typically store their instruments when not performing? If on tour, do they keep it on the bus or in their room?

    I know everyone is different, but just wondering about some examples and/or the general places they’d keep them.

    Voyager now refreshes when leaving the app

    Hey all,

    I upgraded to iOS 18 yesterday, so wondering if this is possibly due to that or something on the Voyager app’s side.

    I’ve noticed today that if I’m on my profile’s page, or viewing a specific post, or browsing a specific community, and then I leave the Voyager app for a time to go to another app or the iPhone’s “desktop” and then come back to Voyager, Voyager will do a refresh and then go to the main page, which I have set to show All. It also refreshes the All feed whereas before it would stay where I left it when browsing All.

    Is this a new update or did iOS 18 implement something that is causing this? Anything that can be done to not allow this to happen?

    Thank you!

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