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Yo Aussie vegans. The implication is pretty clear :( [plus bonus on aussie palm oil labeling standards or lack thereof]

cross-posted from:

> I've sent them an email to ask for clarity and will update with their response. > > Having a read of the food labeling standards ( 1.2.2, 2.4, and schedule 10-2 any edible oil is only required to be identified as follows: > > >(a) The statement of ingredients must declare: > > > >(i) whether the source is animal or vegetable; and > > > >if the food is a dairy product, including ice cream—the specific source of animal fats or oils. > > > >(b) This generic name must not be used for >diacylglycerol oil. > > As such it turns out anything labelled as vegetable oil could contain palm oil, which is relatively likely given it's ~36% of global oil trade and the number 1 producer. > > So I recommend that unless you have specific knowledge, if anything has a thick texture at room temp and claims not to be hydrogenated you should assume it is palm oil. Especially if it's quite low in saturated and polyunsaturated fats which is a bit of a coconut oil tell. > > RIP to a delicious one. > - A former sinner

  • I hope you're just acting the fool because of tumblr brain. You aren't being harmed, knowledge of something that wasn't hurting you being uncomfortable should convince you your attitudes are wrong. Not that the situation is bad.

    Fix yourself, don't be a child.

  • fwiends
  • Personally I find it pretty neat that as megafauna we are host to entire little ecosystems. It's a calming thought to imagine yourself like some large tree, home to little families of various creatures, bacterial and fungal colonies growing on you. We are thoroughly integrated into the ecosystems in which we live.

    They're not harmful, they're just living their mitey little life.

  • Botany NaevaTheRat
    Boquila trifoliolata mimics leaves of an artificial plastic host plant

    Plant vision?

    tumblr(ule) screenshot
  • those are the eyes of a man making billions of dollars.

    One billion, multiple billions.

    2-.5 = 1.5 1-.5 = 0.5 1.5 > 0.5

    "that which was to be demonstrated" 🥴

    I'm just highlighting what a stupid amount of money a billion dollars is. Hopefully if more people realise you can make small armies of people dance for your sick entertainment with much less than that we can start dragging these ghouls from their homes and giving them the old Mussolini special.

  • tumblr(ule) screenshot
  • Billions? I highly doubt. A billion is a fucking ludicrous amount of money.

    He has ranked on the Forbes list for the highest-paid YouTube creator in 2022[25] and has an estimated net worth of $500 million.[26]

    From Wikipedia

    So he's numerically closer to homeless than billions.

  • NSFW
    CW: suicide" Several arrested after woman dies in 'suicide pod'
  • I think there's a lot of blindess to just how horrible a lot of dying is. Death is very much pushed out of mind but death is not necessarily horrifying. Everyone sort of vaguely hopes for the good death in the medieval art motif sense. Dying peacefully, surrounded by your loved one and possessed of enough wits to wish them well fondly and receive their tender goodbyes.

    That is a good death, but it is not common. Our medicine has advanced to the point where deaths are usually either abrupt and unexpected or violent, or bodies are so worn out that people die with multitudes of painful conditions and under a haze of drugs. In Australia, where I live, around 60% of old people are on TCAs (usually amitriptyline) for untreatable pain. That's not people on deaths door, that's just aging atm it gets much worse.

    By the time people cannot be kept alive anymore faculties are often failing complicating concepts of consent to suicide. People are often heavily sedated, families are often stressed the fuck out by the sheer horror and degradation of watching people suffer for months on end. Elder abuse is rampant in aged care, familial or professional.

    And obviously we see a lot of suicide, often reported as accidental poisonings (e.g. sodium nitrite and recent associated bans), refusal of food and withdrawing from the world, more direct methods. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the refusal for people to go under stricter monitoring when at risk was in part motivated by a desire to risk death while maintaining a sense of autonomy.

    Societies have often not been strangers to suicide, we all see there are fates worse than death. We are not immortal, we will die, and consequently we need to grow up about it and let people decide for themselves. So that more people can die surrounded by loved ones, comfortable, able to articulate themselves and express their love and acceptance of the end. The alternative is damning large chunks of the population to torture, and nobody has any right to decide what is or is not a tolerable existence or acceptable end for anyone.

  • Let me at 'em!!
  • Actually, it's because cucumbers are so cool (c.f. cool as a cucumber) that they're in a ground state. It's actually endothermic to split their atoms so you don't get a chain reaction.

    Cutting hot vegetables, habernaros for example, is much more risky and adequate precautions should always be taken to avoid radioactivity contaminating sensitive regions of the body.

  • NSFW
    CW: suicide" Several arrested after woman dies in 'suicide pod'
  • Medical professionals routinely torture people. They are not fit to decide whether people should be forced to live. Look at the history of medicine, women's pain routinely discounted, racist notions like black people feeling less pain or ignoring differences in responses to drugs, hideous experimentation on people. Remember lobotomies?

    What is wrong with someone deciding to die? The only person fit to decide whether they want to live or not is the person who has to deal with the consequences of that decision. Medical professionals have a role in giving advice on likely outcomes, interpreting test results, and diagnosis. That's it.

  • NSFW
    CW: suicide" Several arrested after woman dies in 'suicide pod'
  • Physician-assisted death should be a medical procedure administered by a number of professionals all agreeing it's the right thing to do.

    Oh gods no. Nonononononono. you need to have a horrific experience with the healthcare system before coming out with a take like that. The choice to kill yourself needs to rest soley with the person alive, doctors will straight up looking your crying arse in the face and say "Hmm, I don't understand why you're in pain so it's fake".

    Safeguards to reduce the chance of people being pressured and impulsive decisions yes, but bodies can become prisons and every moment waking hell. People need the right to die on their own terms.

    Also this is not physician assisted, you press a button and the chamber fills with nitrogen. The point of the device is that the choice to die rests solely with the person dying. Requiring no assistance (beyond access to the device).

  • We lost Keanu
  • I'm just a layperson but when there is shit like mound complexes in the Americas that appear to be built to standardised measurements (see Clark 2004) by foragers. Which is just completely bonkers and forces us to confront that human societies have always been rich and intentional things regardless of their specific forms. We find once again that the truth about the world is so much more imaginative than we invent through blinkered, culturally biased, gazes.

  • OS Installation
  • Idk archinstall is pretty straightforward if you choose a DE. No harder than installing windows if you haven't done either before.

    Help documentation and available of "support" (friendly nerds) to chat to is better than windows too.

  • We lost Keanu
  • Sigh. There's so much actually interesting in piecing together the past. Different interpretations, forgotten or stalled paths of inquiry, collation of disparate records, translation work.

    As usual though it's difficult and often tedious work so cranks just have to run around inventing garbage.

    The actual history of agriculture is nuanced and extensive. Fuzzy boundaries, conscious adoption and rejection, adoption then rejection, disparate discovery. Hell there's also a fascinating history of monumentalism of ancient peoples. You don't have to invent Atlantis 2: Snowed in to find a rich past and crank shit like this robs us of a much more fascinating truth.

  • Tupperware has filed for bankruptcy – is multi-level marketing in trouble?
  • I mean I can some stuff but aside from fowlers canning jars have low availability since ball stopped selling in aus, the more usaian standard with disposable middle rings and seals are not found anywhere atm. Also jars just aren't a good solution to leftovers or portions like cake and stuff.

    I'd have a better time scrounging old dessicators with ground mating surfaces etc. Or old casserole dishes. The issue is that those aren't widely available affordabily anymore.

  • Tupperware has filed for bankruptcy – is multi-level marketing in trouble?
  • Yeah I just mean their furniture.

    I know why it doesn't happen but I'd like to see gov legislate standard jar mouth dimensions. So everything is interoperable using ground glass surfaces like scientific glassware.

    Make whatever shape jar you like or whatever but if it's a "cold food low volume" or whatever it should just have a standard lid/thread/mating surface.

    There's not really any good reasons to allow companies to make things that don't work together.

  • Doctor's misdiagnosis led to 'preventable' death of Indigenous man Doctor's misdiagnosis led to 'preventable' death of Indigenous man

    Dougie Hampson died less than 24 hours after he was misdiagnosed with a cannabis-related syndrome and discharged from Dubbo hospital in August 2021.

    Doctor's misdiagnosis led to 'preventable' death of Indigenous man

    Pretty scuffed. Cliff notes:

    • patient presents to hospital reporting agony in tummy
    • doctor finds out he uses cannabis
    • diagnoses with cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (some people after heavy use suddenly develop persistent nausea, recently identified, rare and is a diagnosis of exclusion)
    • patient is sent home
    • patient dies due to severe stomach ulcers

    Seems pretty concerning to me.

    Someone has a chance to do the funniest thing of all time (corridor of oaks vandalism) Tree honouring Tony Abbott sawn off again in ‘extremely rare’ act of vandalism

    Blue Mountains council to install CCTV after English oak sawn off at the weekend – itself a replacement for another stolen tree honouring former PM

    Tree honouring Tony Abbott sawn off again in ‘extremely rare’ act of vandalism

    In the words of bill hicks "just planting seeds"

    Arguments against speciesism 1 of 2

    The channel is quite interesting, but these 2 vids (second here: are concise summaries of how when we embrace speciesism we end up rejecting things most humans would consider core values.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

    I use arch btw.

    Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, a Russian psychological warfare operative, and db0’s sockpuppet.

    Pronouns are she/her.

    Vegan for the iron deficiency.

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